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Feb '17 *
I've always dug the sequel more than the original.

The first seems one-dimensional by comparison
(strictly beheadings, as opposed to an elevator killing, for example).
It didn't hurt that in the sequel, he's protected by ravens, rather than a rottweiler.
Imho, the cemetary conversations in the sequel are more compelling than any in part one.

I also prefer the conclusion in the sequel (since he's that much closer to world-domination).

The Omen
Damien: Omen II

5 votes


Feb '17
Mmm. I think The Omen is a better film - better film craft, Donner the better director, but maybe I enjoy II more. Certainlay the score by Jerry Goldsmith perks up a bit, I love the locations and the machinations of Damien's designated protectors. I'm also fascinated by the notion of Damien learning who he is and rebelling against his destiny, though not enough was done with that.

I like III as well. Good score and you can't go wrong with Sam Neill.


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