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Feb '17 *
I've always dug the sequel more than the original.

The first seems one-dimensional by comparison
(strictly beheadings, as opposed to an elevator killing, for example).
It didn't hurt that in the sequel, he's protected by ravens, rather than a rottweiler.
Imho, the cemetary conversations in the sequel are more compelling than any in part one.

I also prefer the conclusion in the sequel (since he's that much closer to world-domination).

The Omen
Damien: Omen II

5 votes

foz says:

Feb '17
The original just sneaks it for me, Donner does dread very well, aided by an eerie score. & the memorable set piece death scenes - the nanny suicide scene really stuck with me. Plus Troughton's impalement, Warner's beheading n the creepiest fourth walll break ever

The sequel is really good too, recreates the constant atmosphere of dread & yeah the elevator death is great. Ravens are cool too.

only flaw's a distinct lack of Sam Neill in both


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