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Sep '15
I've always wanted to tear a picture of the pope, much like Sinead did in the 90's.

I grew up a Catholic, and I've always seen it as a way of "defying the emperor", per se.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '15
That sounds like a very easy thing to scratch off. Just print up a picture and RIP the damn thing! emoticon

I never actually sat down and made a list, cuz all I want to do in life is smoke pot, drink alcohol, jerk off, and watch movies, and I've already done that. And I've already met Danielle Harris. I still want to make a movie or ten, motorboat a pair of titties, and pick a fight with the Incredible Hulk, but I can't think of anything "strange" I want to do...

#2, Reply to #1

Sep '15
Perhaps, but I meant in TV terms.
It has to be done on TV, or it doesn't count. There has to be millions of people watching, per se.
YouTube doesn't cut it, it would have to be done live, especially if religious douchebags are watching, per se.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '15
Oh, I see... perhaps in the future, Trash Epics will get excessively popular and we can have some sort of live feed in which you can accomplish your life-long dream in front of a ka-jillion peoplez. As it stands now though... I don't know how the fuck to do that. Sorry!

sethyeah says:

Sep '15
I don't have a bucket list but one thing I want to experience eventually is have a woman who loves me not hate me at the same time.

#5, Reply to #4

Sep '15
They don't exist. Sorry, brah.

#7, Reply to #5

Sep '15


Sep '15
Interesting. I've always wanted to tear up the Pope.

Tommix says:

Sep '15
I just have to say, the curent Pope is the best one I've ever even heard of. If there must be a Pope... we could do worse than this guy.

One strange thing on my bucket list is that I would like to travel to Friesland, in the Netherlands, someday. They speak a language called Frisian there, which is a very close cousin of English... the old Frisians lived in the same area as the original Angles and Saxons, so their dialects were interrelated from very early times. Anyway, supposedly Frisian is close enough to English that now and then you can catch what a word means... I bet it would be really cool to just sit at a cafe and listen to people talk.


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