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Oct '15 *
Da rape scene wuz hot. I wish there wuz more.

But seriously, it was much better than the original sequel, imo.
It's probably one of the better 2000's sequels, and is often overlooked. 6/10

BloodWank says:

Oct '15
I quite like it myself and would definitely rate it higher than the original sequel. The direction is frequently shoddy and the writing stupid, but it delivers some agreeably nasty gore and the severed hand waving bit is a hoot. When it first came out the reviewer in The Times commented that they couldn't bring themselves to fully dislike a film with a scene like that, and The Times is usually far from the sort of paper to big up such a thing.

zed says:

Oct '15
Yes next time someone brings up remakes are always inferior, you could point out this film


Oct '15
I saw this in a dollar theater by myself a few years ago and this big black lady yells out in the final kill the bad guy scene "Fuck that niggas ass up!"

I always wanted to hang out with her and take her to horror movies but she seemed like the kind of person who would eat all of your popcorn and sno caps kind of person.


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