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Jan 2023
you guys, this looks pretty interesting. I don't think I am going to be able to finish it tonight because I just found it a few minutes ago at 2:30 AM where I live. But, I will try to come back to it this weekend.

It is an alternate history, of a WW3 that, of course, did not actually happen. It is set in 1989 and early 1990, but the events of the film diverge from real history pretty early in the film. Anyway, what I have watched so far is interesting and well done. It seems to be some kind of collaboration between German television and some US media company... I can't quite figure it out, but I'm pretty sure that's because I'm really tired, not because it sucks. Anyway, here, check it out if you want.

Here is the movie:


Here is a description of it:

Box_a_Hair says:

Jan 2023
Somewhat relevant: I saw The Philadelphia Experiment 2 not long ago, and that's about if the Germans won WW2. Pretty crap movie that shit all over the first one. Also, there's a mockumentary about if the south won the Civil War, and that was pretty hilarious.

Tommix says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jan 2023
I saw that mockumentary! It was indeed pretty hilarious. The infomercials for buying slaves were frigging brutal... here's one:

Tommix says:
#3, Reply to #1

Jan 2023
Wait, I think you're taking the wrong thing from my post. I am a fan of alternate history, but in this case I mentioned the movie because it just captures the sense of how close we came to nuclear war, and how it all could have played out. They did a really good job of using out-of-context footage from news videos, from the 80s and 90s, to show various world leaders actually saying things that would have made sense in the fictional scenario the film presents.... anyway, I posted it because I just think we should all be reminded now and then of how close we came, and we should think about it from time to time. Those weapons are still out there! Pretty sure you're aware of that, ha ha.. well, whatever, had to share.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jan 2023
I was a bit concerned only a few years ago when Rocket Man kept threatening to nuke us. Then Orange Man stepped in and silenced him. And apparently nobody was grateful for it. emoticon


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