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Sep 2022 *
Holy fuck, this is terrifying. I hope this link is clickable. If not, try googling Loab AI machine learning nightmares.... maybe try entering that into Google Images. I think there will be more and more images appearing online, in the near future, as they tweak the programming. I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about here, it just sounds reasonable to me. If I'm wrong, good. Anyway, here, try clicking on this: https://itsonlydark.substack.com/p/loab-explained

zed says:

Sep 2022
Yeah its terrifying , gonna put a lot of people out of work.
hmmm I may use one of these AI things to generate art for my game (it'll save me paying someone) emoticon
Noy just art but music

I listened to a playlist yesterday
>100 different artists, yet pretty much every single song, sounded exactly the same. A lot of the same autotune/reverb/song structure etc. I would not be surprised if a lot were written by AI

Tommix says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep 2022
I have used something called Wombo Dream to make some pretty interesting AI art. I'm sure there are plenty of people who understand how to use it a fuck of a lot better than I do, but still, I was pretty much content with how some of my attempts turned out. I just input the name of an MC Escher drawing, and the name of some funky architect or building, and it does cool things. Oh, I should try entering album covers... like, just give it the name of an album, and it will find the image on its own.

I know what you mean about modern music. There must be decent music getting made, somewhere out there, but it's a lot of work to find it. Argh.



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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.