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Warehouse 13

by Tommix

Jul 2022
Did anybody here watch this show regularly? I remember it, and I know I saw at least a few episodes. I don't think I was really paying attention though. I probably just had it on as a distraction, while I was making sandwiches, or something along those lines.

Anyway, in the US, the SyFy channel appears to be showing some kind of Warehouse 13 marathon this weekend.

So anyway, Joanne Kelly is amazing!! I'm probably just noticing this because she's such a babe, but, she seriously kicks ass. Literally! She beats the living crap out of characters who give her character shit. I wasn't expecting it, so the first time it caught me off guard. And now I see that, at least in the first few episodes, it appears to be a consistent theme, that she is a street fighter to be reckoned with. I can't decide if it's supposed to be funny or awesome... possibly both. I'm just gonna stick with awqesome. It's amazing to watch.

Another strong point of this show: it seems to be loosely based on the old Canadian show Friday the Thirteenth, that they used to show in the US on the USA network, I think. That makes a lot of sense, ha ha. Anyway, it shares with that show the idea of a couple of people who have to go semi-undercover on missions to retrieve items with some kind of super-powers, usually supernatural powers, although I think there is more of a science fiction element to Warehouse 13.... Also, both shows have a non-romantic couple, a male and a female agent working together, who have chemistry but not a relationship, at least in the first season. I think the old show Friday the Thirteenth introduced a third agent at some point, and things might have gotten romantic between the woman and one of them... I'd have to double check on that. Anyway, whatever, the value of not having things get romantic is that it keep things light in that way, and fun, and... I don't know, it makes me think of Beverly Hills Cop, with the relationship between Axel Foley and Jenny "Hairdo" Summers. They never got romantic,and watching them was like watching your male and female friends from your childhood neighborhood group of friends hanging out, and goofing around. It just makes the whole show more fun somehow.

Anyway, great show, I recommend the living daylights out of it, and it's on SyFy right now, as I'm typing this.

Tommix says:

Jul 2022
PS By the way, I think I noticed another reference or two to Friday the 13th, the Canadian TV series. The Joanne Kelly character is called Myka, which is probably a little nod to the female lead character in F13, named Micki. Also, sometimes the Eddie McClintock character, Pete, says "Jeez Louise" when Myka runs amok, and the actress who played Micki in F13 was named Louise Robey.


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