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Apr '20
I was just thinking, the 90s don't get much respect when it comes to horror. But, what about horror comedies?? Consider that the 90s gave us Army of Darkness, Cemetery Man, and Braindead. I mean, wow. And, some people might stick the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie in there too. And arguably Friday the 13th Part 9, Jason Goes to Hell.... that is far less of a comedy than the other movies I'm mentioning here, but I would say it's probably the 3rd funniest of the franchise, after parts 6 and 10 (X).

Anyway, if you think about it, the 90s can really hold its head up as a very solid, respectable decade for horror comedies. Had to share.

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr '20
Army of Darkness is enough to sell me that the 90s was totally worth it. Add to that list Troll 2, Tremors, Idle Hands, The Frighteners, and Terror Firmer. Still not sure I'd consider it an abundance of great horror/comedies though, but those are some standouts IMO.

Also, I hid your other re-post of this topic because this very topic can be (and has been) listed on more than just one board. Check the right column to adjust boards.

Tromafreak says:

Apr '20
There's probably more Horror Comedies in the 90's the same reason there's more Horror Thrillers. People were just getting bored of straight Horror. Something can't get as big as Horror did in the 80's without things eventually going the other way, and I guess adding in other genres softened the blow, or something. I quite like Comedy added to Horror, but not a huge fan of many movies that would count as an official Horror Comedy. Like Scary Movie, for example, where not one second of the film is meant to be taken seriously. That's why I think some of those you mentioned are a bit of a stretch.

Or not. I don't know. IF the movies you listed are literal Horror Comedies, then, I'll add Leprechaun and whatever sequels happened in the 90's. Fucking hate those movies.

Troma had some good Horror Comedies in the 90's, with Decampitated, Sucker: The Vampire and Buttcrack.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Apr '20
I find it hard to count a movie like "Scary Movie" as a horror movie in any sense, because there is absolutely NO horror in such a blatant comedy, but it'll still get lumped in with other better real horror movies, which is retarded. Just like that movie. I've always preferred "Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th".

If you want to put comedy in a horror film, you need to make sure the horror part is still revered and respected. One of the best examples I can think of is Shaun of the Dead, which starts out as a comedy, but it punches you in the gut at the end.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

Apr '20
I'd put Scary Movie and Decampitated in the same category of "true, pure Horror Comedy", which, to me, is nothing more than a Comedy which parodies either a type of Horror movie or a specific one. I'm not sure where the line is. Is Evil Dead II a Horror film with some comedy added, while Army Of Darkness crosses the line and becomes a Horror comedy? I never thought of either of them as Horror comedies. There's some silliness in both, and obviously more in AOD, but not so consistently wacky and outrageous that nothing matters.

Shaun Of The Dead is actually a perfect example of a Horror Comedy, or what one should be, rather. Neither side interferes with the other.

sfpx says:

May '20
There's Nothing Out There (1992). Best 90s horror comedy bar none. Better than the utter crap that is Army of Darkness.

Yakko says:

May '20
Horror and comedy don't mix. Never did, never will. The only time it works is when it's unintentional, and sometimes not even then. Deliberately attempting to make a horror comedy is doing both genres a huge disservice, and reveals that the person doing it is a moron who really knows nothing about either genre.

Johan_WoW says:
#7, Reply to #6

May '20
I'm not a fan either of combining the 2 intentionally. But there is a few I really love: Braindead/Dead Alive and Return of the Evil Dead. And Blood Feast 2 is perhaps the best horror comedy I have ever seen.

Johan_WoW says:

May '20
Like I already said to Yakko I'm not a fan. Braindead I really dig though. I haven't seen Army of Darkness since I found the previous movies in the franchise already terribly unfunny and unscary. Cemetery Man has its moments but the protagonist is such a uninteresting character with a repetitive love storyline. The only funny moments are with Gnaghi on who the movie should have focused more IMO.


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