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Jun '19
I didn't say that the way I mean it, I don't know how to say this right. I have U.S. Marshals on TV right now, on the AMC channel. Tommy Lee Jones's gang of deputy underlings crack me up, the way they interact with each other and with Tommy Lee. I started thinking, that was kind of a trend in the 90s and maybe the late 80s, to have a lot of banter between buddies in a group of people who somehow assist the main character. Think about it. There was U.S. Marshals, The Fugitive, Twister, Dante's Peak, Lethal Weapon 1 + 2... probably others. Try to remember the repartee between those secondary characters in any of those movies, and maybe you'll get reminded of others.

OK, now that I have typed all this out, maybe this is a really weak idea for a thread.... Box, just delete this if it's too stupid. I don't know, I just got thinking about this somehow. I'm just trying to think of any movies with a group of scientists, cops, or other professionals who act as a team working for the main good guy, or someone who we think is the main good guy, etc.

markus-san says:

Jun '19
Well there are plenty of war movies but probably too many to mention.

The best "banter" movie is probably Midnight Run with Robert De Niro as a bounty hunter escorting mob accountant Charles Grodin but their chemistry is more antagonistic so not really what you're after. They become kind of buddies.


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