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May '19 *
Do people ever say OT here?!? As I was typing it, I thought "whoa, major IMDB flashback, here."

Anyway, in the last few minutes I saw one guy riding a onewheel, and someone else on a Lime electric scooter. There are so many funky things like those, these days. There are hovershoes, hoverboards, Segway minipros... I had to fool around on Google to even find the names of these things. Where the hell did all these gadgets come from? Does anybody have any personal favorite modes of personal transportation that have only come into existence in the last few years? I also like stand up paddleboards, by the way, but right now I'm thinking of newfangled modes of transportation for short range travel on land, like around your local town or city center. What comes to mind for you??

Just to make this a little less OT... it might be fun to create a horror movie that employed as many things like that as possible... just have every character riding around on electric scooters, hovershoes, onewheels, etc. Maybe they could also be operating drones, and/or remote controlled miniature submarines, etc. You could have a modern young person armed with as many of those devices as posisble, going up against some kind of monster from old movies... not sure exactly how that would work, but maybe it could be a fairly funny secondary plotline in a horror comedy.

But back to my earlier question: can you think of any other funky, very modern, gadgety sorts of personal transport that I might not even know about?? I think these things look so cutting edge... I'm sure they'll be incredibly obsolete and ridiculous-looking in five years, but, whatever.

zed says:

May '19
the unicycle, non powered. I saw this dude in NZ a couple of years ago, he was really good, riding up a grass mountainous slope, Im like fucken hell the legs muscles. no gears, is pedalling backwards the breaks or do you just jump off?

Znep27 says:

May '19


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.