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Feb '19
OK, not really. But, if you try to go back in time in horror movies as far as you can go, with as few connections as possible between horror actors, how would you do it? What I mean is, if you select a horror actor with a long career, and connect them via one of their early films to a more senior actor who played in that film, and then looked for the earliest horror film you can find with the senior actor, how far back in time can you get? If you allow shitloads of "degrees of separations," of course, you could go back a longer way in time. But, if you try to limit yourself to only two or three connections or degrees of separation, see how far back you can go then.

I don't know if anybody else here would get into this type of thing, but I go through phases where this kind of thing can be really addictive to me.

So, OK, just to start... someone made a list on IMDB of "Longest Film Careers," and it has at least two horror actors on it.

First, Carla Laemmle played the (uncredited) Prima Ballerina in Phantom of the Opera (1925), and she also played a coach passenger in Dracula, in 1931. Then, in 2015, she was in the low budget horror movie Mansion of Blood. So, that's a 90 year horror career right there, arguably. Let me just take this opportunity to pause for a moment at this time to interject the statement Jesus H. Frigging Christ Almighty, that's impressive as hell. So anyway, maybe someone here can connect her through other actors to even earlier horror movies than Phantom of the Opera, if you can think of any.

Second, another horror actor on that list is Barbara Perry, who was in Trancers. OK, so maybe that list isn't such a great way to find horror actors with long careers. Sue me. This is why we should come up with a list of our own.

Who are some other people with long careers, who were in a few horror movies. Dick Miller and James Karen just left us, so this is an opportunity to think about them a little. Hey, Jack Nicholson would be a good one for a list or game like this, not only from The Shining but because of The Terror, and the Raven, both from 1963. Barbara Steele has had a pretty long career too. Elsa Lanchester had a long one too. Anyone else come to mind?



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