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Sep '15 *
Beign from Texas I thought I would rate everybody who acted as Leatherface.

1. Gunnar Hansen: Nothing like the org.

2. I'am going with R.A Mihailoff from TCM 3 just cause I'am big fan R.A

3. Bill Johnson from TCM 2: Best Air fucking by a chainsaw ever.

4. TCM (2003) Andrew Bryniarski

5. TCM The Beginning (2006) Andrew Bryniarski

6. TCM 3D (2013) Dan Yeager

7. And last for me TCM The Next Generation: Robert Jacks

RIP Marilyn Burns
How would you rank them.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '15
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/530188_286167198143335_27977317_n.jpg?oh=d3623b6c136d9fa285d72884b96294f9&oe=56601793 1.) Gunnar Hansen is the definitive Leatherface. He set the standards for any subsequent portrayals, so there's no doubt that he's the ultimate Leatherface. It's a shame he only played him once. I was fortunate enough to meet Leatherface in 2012.

2.) Dan Yeager in Texas Chainsaw '13. He wasn't a powerhouse like Bryniarski, and he wasn't overly stupid like Robert Jacks or Bill Johnson. He was a pretty ideal balance.

3.) Andrew Bryniarski in TCM '03 and '06, while he may not have met the classical archetype of the character, he was still pretty fucking scary.

4.) Bill Johnson in TCM 2, who wasn't perfect, but that chainsaw dance is fucking hilarious! They sure played up the retard bit on this one though.

5.) R.A. Mihailoff in TCM 3 was a bit too angry for my taste.

6.) Robert Jacks in TCM 4, whom gave a terrible portrayal of the character. They really turned him into a piece of shit in this movie. However, I love the movie for other reasons. Mostly Matthew McConaughey, and the bland acting of everyone else. Nobody in this movie feels threatened at any time, but rather apathetic as fuck.

On a side note, I made a Leatherface wiki page a long time ago.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '15
They talk about the harsh filming conditions in the Family Portrait documentary. Edwin Neal talks about having to lay his face on the hot pavement for hours.

Agreed about Alexandra Daddario. Beautiful eyes, and an amazing rack. Watch True Detective season one to see her topless. Yes!


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