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Oct '15 *
Which zombie TV series do you prefer? I prefer Z Nation myself because it's a lot more fun and isn't so damn brooding like The Walking Dead is. Okay so it's produced by Asylum films, known for all their shitty mockbusters and it airs on SyFy, a channel that lost all credibility years ago, but it's better than you'd expect if you go in with an open mind. It knows it's cheap and rolls with it. Episodes tend to go ridiculously over the top, but that's why it's so much fun. There aren't any of those dull, filler episodes that The Walking Dead has.

As far as The Walking Dead goes, do I hate the show? No, there's been some great episodes here and there, but it's just been so damn inconsistent as a whole. It's not the be all end all when it comes to zombies either. Only watching The Walking Dead doesn't make you a "zombie expert" either. The spinoff series, Fear the Walking Dead has been a dull affair thus far too.

The Walking Dead
Z Nation

0 votes


Oct '15
I prefer Z Nation. It's not bogged down by all the melodrama that makes some Walking Dead episodes unwatchable, and throws in some nice humor once in a while.


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