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Sep '15
October is less than a month away now, so what do you have lined up to watch?

Mine is (subject to change of course):

Halloween Franchise - Watching for obvious reasons. I'll be skipping Zombie's films and probably Resurrection too.

A Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise - Because it's Freddy! Also, Craven passed away, which is all the more reason to rewatch it. I'll skip the remake though.

Crimson Peak (2015) - A gothic horror film from Guillermo Del Toro? I'm on board!

Trick rโ€™ Treat (2007) - A great horror anthology set on the holiday, so of course it's required viewing.

Tremors Franchise - Because Tremors 5 is out in Oct, plus the series is the best thing ever.

The Evil Dead trilogy - Because Ash vs. Evil Dead debuts on Halloween. I gotta get ready!

Deadly Blessing (1981) - A Craven film I've never seen.

Chiller (1985) - Another Craven film I've never seen.

American Mary (2012) - Heard good things and have been meaning to check out more of the Soska Sister's work.

Nightbreed: Directorโ€™s Cut (1990) - Only seen the theatrical cut and have been anxious to see this long awaited and talked about director's cut.

Sorority Row (2009) - I don't know, I guess I just want to watch a shitty slasher remake?

We Are What We Are (2013) - A horror flick about a family of cannibals? Sold!

Twixt (2012) - A Francis Ford Coppola directed horror flick...hopefully it's decent.

Tales of Halloween (2015) - The highly talked about horror anthlogy film, I'm excited and hope it's at least fun even if it doesn't live up to the hype.

The Harvest (2013) - A new horror film from John McNaughton? Fuck yeah!

Things (1989) - Because I have to...right?

I'll also be watching American Horror Story: Hotel and the Walking Dead too I suppose.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '15
You wont regret Things! It's a real turd! An epic piece of shit!

I try to watch movies specifically related to Halloween, so I'll go with Dark Night of the Scarecrow, FleshEater, and Satan's Little Helper. Ever seen that one? It's pretty goddamn awesome! You'll love it.

damn_cyborg says:
#6, Reply to #1

Sep '15
Yeah, Satan's Little Helper is awesome. I ought to pick that up this Oct, actually.


Sep '15 *
Deadly Blessings and Chiller are arguably Craven's worst ones.
Hate to break it to ya, brah.
DB, with the exception of the ending, is a snoozefest.
Chiller is one from start to finish, despite Jill Schoelen's presence.
A little nudity wouldn't have hurt, per se.

damn_cyborg says:
#4, Reply to #2

Sep '15
That's what I hear. My expectations will definitely be lower for them. Also, they're free to watch on Amazon Prime, so I figured why not check them out.

BloodWank says:
#5, Reply to #4

Sep '15
Deadly Blessing is at least better than Shocker.

BloodWank says:

Sep '15
Defo lined up are Livid, Wither, Chemical Wedding, Troll Hunter and Heartless. Planning to get the Blind Dead series, The Church, a bunch of Asian ones, maybe few 80's cheese faves I've yet to see.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '15
For the October challenge, I'm eying:

Tremors 5
The Green Inferno
I Spit on your Grave 3

I'll add more later, and I'll surely watch some random stuff on Netflix.


Sep '15
Always rewatching.

Dawn of the Dead, Halloween III, Trick r. Treat, TCM, Friday the 13th part IV

I have a line of FTV's queued up on Netflix. I am actually not thrilled about the shit they have on their now. It might be 16 shitters just to make the cut for the October Challenge.

RedHawk10 says:

Sep '15
I'm going to try to get every "well known" horror movie I haven't seen yet in this month along with some other randomly chosen picks.

I just hope I get all 31 this year, last year I failed miserably at 25 because I got too goddamn busy.

klownz says:

Sep '15
I will just be watching mostly weird shit that has been sitting on my computer for ages... loads of foreign shit.

I will be watching the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed as well to see how it compares to the original release & the new directors cut.

peeptoad says:

Sep '15
One reason I am here is to have an alternative place to post my challenge list in case the other board implodes.
I have a bunch of unwatched DVDs and blu rays I'll be watching this year. Going for the minimum of 31 since my job is taking over again.
Most of the stuff I've got are 70s and 80s lower budget, semi-forgotten films like The Outing, Circus of Horrors, X-Ray, Redeemer, and Island of Death.

Also have some newer ones like Across the River, The Sleeper, and Grateful Dead to watch.
Should be a good challenge this year!


Sep '15
I've got a few movies from Hisayasu Sato lined up
Rampo Noir and Muscle

Some recs from Troma
Criminally Insane and Blood Shack/ The Chooper

Spasms and a few more video nasties I haven't seen yet like Frozen Scream and a couple others.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.