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Jul 2015 *

There was a lot of positive buzz surrounding this and it really delivered. It truly is one of the best and most original horror films of the decade. Itโ€™s scary, suspenseful, and sticks with you.

After a sexual encounter, a young girl, Jay (Maika Monroe) is followed by a mysterious supernatural force.

The premise of this film alone is terrifying and original. Itโ€™s left the door open to a lot of different interpretations. A lot see it as a metaphor of STDs and the dangers of sex, which is the most accurate interpretation. The fact that its left so much up to discussion is the main reason this film lived up to its hype. After Jay has her sexual encounter with Hugh (Jake Weary), a young man, thatโ€™s when everything changes for her. The supernatural force takes human form and changes constantly. It may be a complete stranger or someone really close to you as Hugh describes to her. It never stops following you until you have sex with someone else, but even then it can still linger. If it catches up to you, youโ€™re deadโ€”simple as that.

On top of the great premise, the film has flawless cinematography, a haunting score, the perfect setting, and great acting. The suburban setting is reminiscent of classic horror films such as Halloween (1978), and A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). The dream/nightmare logic of the film makes it very comparable toA Nightmare on Elm Street especially. The score composed by Disasterpiece is fitting, spine tingling, and 80โ€™s horror-esque. Although horror is typically criticized as a genre because of bad acting, thatโ€™s not the case here. The whole cast is great and we really find ourselves caring about Jay and her struggle to understand what is happening. She has supportive friends which include her younger sister, Kelly (Lili Sepe), her female friend, Yara (Olivia Luccardi), and her male friend, Paul (Keir Gilchrist). We really see the film from their perspective because there arenโ€™t long scenes with any adults, and it works. Most of the time theyโ€™re in the background, or only briefly seenโ€”perhaps the filmโ€™s saying that theyโ€™re helpless and that itโ€™s unable to relate to them during the age of sexual discovery?

The relationship between Jay and Paul is believable and changes as the film progresses. Paul has sexual feelings for Jay, but itโ€™s not mutual (or so it seems). There are some great shots and bits of dialogue that make the sexual tension between the two apparent. Greg (Daniel Zovatto), Jayโ€™s neighbor getting involved in her horrific situation further complicates their relationship. The film builds up to a tense and awesome climax at a swimming pool where Jay and her friends attempt to destroy whatever โ€œitโ€ is that follows her. The film ends with a feeling of ambiguity, fitting considering its shrouded so much in it, and also acceptance in the minds of Jay and Paul.

I cannot recommend this film more if youโ€™re a horror fan or even a casual moviegoer. Itโ€™s a smart, original horror film that also serves as a love letter to 70โ€™s and 80โ€™s horror films. Writer and director David Robert Mitchell has a bright future ahead of him this film proves. He doesnโ€™t rely on excessive gore or nudity and instead creates an effectively creepy horror film that hits the psyche of the viewer.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul 2015
There was a lot of hype around this one, but it didn't let me down. I love that someone in the business still understands that subtle and simple can still work, and it even has a sort of slow burn to it, because it actually paces itself rather well. It has a low estimated budget of $2 million, and made $15 million, so it's pretty much a smash hit in that regard.

That Maika Monroe was in two of the best films of 2014. If I was the type of guy who had sex, I'd bang her.

damn_cyborg says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jul 2015
I agree and I'm glad they had faith with this film and gave it a proper release instead of just dumping it directly to VOD like they originally planned. It gives me hope for future, low budget horror flicks. I was lucky enough to see it in the theatre first.

Monroe is indeed hot. A lot of guys would certainly risk being killed by a supernatural force to sleep with her I imagine.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul 2015
I snagged the poster from work. The same one in the OP. And a poster for Paul Blart 2!

Tromafreak says:

Jul 2015
Fuckin' loved it! Best new Horror film I've seen in a very long time. 8/10

Shaza123 says:

Jul 2015
Nice review mate, I only watched this one myself a couple of days ago.

As you say, I love how many conversations can be made about this movie, it leaves so much room for discussion. For instance, I like how they're playing the card game "Old Maid" at one point, which more or less encompasses what the entire movie is about (passing the Old Maid onto your friends so you don't lose the game).

I also liked how this movie seems to have no time when it's set. Like it's set somewhere between 1950 and the future. The old school tv's with the very old school tv movies and programs on then imply the movie is set somewhere in the 50s, but the cars are form the 70s, the hairstyles and fashion senses are form the 80s, the phones are from the 90s, and the farting chick with the glasses has a kindle/mirror gadet that doesn't even seem to exist in the present day. I really liked that shit.

Okay, anyone notice IT appeared to be approaching them when they went to the school to find out who Hugh was? They never reacted so I suppose it's up to interpretation whether that was really IT or just a random chick at school, but there was definitely a girl approaching them both when they in the library talking to the teacher and again when they were in the car, just off in the background, slowly approaching them. No one seemed to notice but I damn near pissed myself. Never has a movie made me so paranoid.


Tommix says:
#9, Reply to #5

Aug 2015
the Old Maid thing was really interesting. If you look carefully, in the scene where they visit that dilapidated old house where Hugh had been staying, you can see "Miss Grundy" written up above that window with all the comics taped to it. It's sort of off to the left, on top. She was supposed to be an Old Maid... I am still thinking about what that means. Does it mean that maybe the way to survive is just to never, ever have sex, ever? It could mean that... I don't know. Anyway... great movie, and one of the best soundtracks I have ever ever ever ever heard, ever.


Aug 2015
One of my favourites in recent memory! I liked the characters, the score is stunningly gorgeous and it actually employs a creepy tone without relying heavily on blood/ gore. I think It Follows is a film that'll go up in my estimation on every new viewing. I rate it 8 at the moment but could easily see it hitting 9.

Great review! :-D


Aug 2015
Wonderful movie. Had issues towards the middle. Still questioning the Head Shot wounds and survival of "IT" but I give it an 8 out of 10.

Great score, cool 80's style with cell phones, Lead actress is hot. Enough ambiguous scenes that leave it open for discussion.

TTKKane says:

Aug 2015
I gotta admit I wasn't a fan of this movie...it wasn't awful or anything, it just didn't work for me





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