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Conspiracy Theorys

by zed

Oct '16
I was talking with someone who seemed to think the Moon Landings were faked.

So whats everyone favorite Conspiracy Theory?
Im gonna have to go with Reptilians

And what ones do you think are true?
I believe in Elements of the New World Order

Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '16
I don't know what to think anymore! The moon landing thing though? I saw a movie about it recently called "Moonwalkers", starring Ron Perlman as a Vietnam vet who has to team up with Harry Potter's weasely friend Rupert Grint to film a faked moon-landing, just in case the actual moon-landing didn't work. I was really high, so I only remember liking it.

Illuminati crap I find to be entirely believeable, and I figure Hollywood has a lot of that sort of thing going on. How else would Nic Cage get work?

zed says:
#2, Reply to #1

Oct '16 *
Listened to this podcast the other day

Apparently theres a new film about faking the moon landing

To me the greatest evidence against the thing being faked is not the thousands of ppl that would of have to be in on the conspiracy, but the fact the russians or chinese didn't raise a stink

He gets work cause hes brilliant
the dudes an acting god

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Oct '16
Yes! That's in "Deadfall", an underrated little Michael Biehn gem from the 90s.

They say we'll be on Mars in 10 years. I'm sure we wouldn't be at that point if we couldn't even reach the damn moon. I'll trust the science bitches to do their math right.

OnyxHades says:
#5, Reply to #3

Oct '16

#17, Reply to #1

Feb '17
My favorite would be the Roswell Crash cover up! Which shouldn't surprise people given my name here.

I'm not actually a big believer in conspiracy theories, but out of the most famous CTs, I think JFK would surprise me the least if it turned out to be true.


Oct '16
The Buttcrack Conspiracy brah, but I think it might be real.

OnyxHades says:

Oct '16
I can't understand the people who think that the halocaust, and the Sandy Hook shooting didn't happen.

zed says:
#7, Reply to #6

Oct '16
Its obviously a coverup, cause the dude was a honky, thats the sort of thing muslims do.
I ask you does this look like the sort of man that would carry out a mass shooting?
same with this dude
A more sane couple of good ol boys could you never hope to meet

Heres a podcasst about false flag conspiracy IIRC

OnyxHades says:
#8, Reply to #7

Oct '16
Just a couple of little angels.

zed says:
#9, Reply to #8

Oct '16
Actually now I think about it, crisis actors are a bit different. The are ppl, that some conspiracists claim are just acting, eg a mother of a victim from a mass shooting, she'll be interviewed on TV and the conspiracists will claim, shes faking it and her childs not dead, they'll even go as far as to ring her up or accost her on the street and say 'admit it your childs still alive, how much is the government paying you' etc
I expect these arent the sort of things you want to here the day after your child has been murdered. emoticon

insanislupus says:

Feb '17
Not my favorite, but the Pizzagate shit still cracks me up. Allegations are made, the internet goes crazy, some guy down the street tells the authorities it's all bullshit, no one investigates it.


Someone told the cops I was raping kids and sacrificing them to Moloch in the basement and they'd kick in my door and storm this place. It gets on the internet where millions of people read about it and the only one who goes to look is a lunatic gunman. I guess he didn't find anything.

#18, Reply to #10

Feb '17
I watch a few videos about pizzagate on YT.

95 percent of the evidence seems to consist of weird art and people acting oddly, making sick jokes at this place called Comet Pizza. That place is known as a hipster hangout, which explains that. Nothing shocking about hipsters trying to be all transgressive.

There were some strange emails though from the Podestas. They were just absolutely nonsensical if you read them literally. They seamed to be code for something. Child abuse? I don't know. The Podestas have an interest in disturbing art, a lot of it involving children, sometimes undresssed. According to the article about one of the Podestas art collections, he and his wife enjoy the reactions they get from people who come to their house and see it. Proof of pedophilia, not quite. I don't think I'd have the Podestas babysit if I had kids though.

foz says:

Feb '17
i have a friend that went full on david icke strawman everything going. he lives in a caravan in portugal now, we (friends) were worried to the point of intervention chat, but seems controlled now at least. he almost had me going with some steel weding 9 11 shit. arghl

Yakko says:

Feb '17
Conspiracy theories are fun to read baout but I don't believe in any of them. I've read a lot about Bettie Page and her seven different gods who she said commanded her to kill people and cleanse the earth of sinners so Jesus could come back, and also about Tesla being responsible for the Tunguska explosion. HAARP is pretty interesting too. I've read about rods, and most recently the one about Devil's Tower, Ayer's Rock and other flat topped mountains being giant tree stumps and the trees being cut down by aliens under God's command.

zed says:
#13, Reply to #12

Feb '17
aint heard about the tree stump theory, theres some obvious flaws (like it being complete BS) but amusing nonetheless

Yakko says:
#14, Reply to #13

Feb '17
It's all over YouTube. Some Swedish guy started it I guess. He thinks the Earth is only 6000 years old, is flat, and there were gigantic lifeforms based on silicon (antediluvian giants). He think the giant trees reached up to heaven and that God had them cut down because humans sinned and no longer deserved to be able to climb up into his domain. So he thinks a race of giant beings from some other planet God created was sent with giant machinery to cut them down and also to pillage precious metals and gems from the land, and that places like the Grand Canyon are the remains of gigantic strip mining operations. He also contends that worldwide governments have always known all this and have kept people from finding out. He thinks that the giant trees may also have been sentient and more like animals than plants.

Go on YouTube and search "giant silicon trees" and you should find it. Other people have outlined what they call proof, mainly based on the fact that the internal crystal structures of the Devil's Tower and Giant's Causeway are hexagonal and therefore fossilized cell structures rather than crystals.

Of course, there's no real proof at all and any geologist or botanist can easily debunk it.

zed says:
#15, Reply to #14

Feb '17
The whole thing is laughable, One can easily disprove that the earth is not flat, just look at something disappear over the horizon in the ocean

Yakko says:
#16, Reply to #15

Feb '17
If people are stupid and insane enough to believe there is life after death or any kind of supreme being, they will believe anything. I hate people who have these beliefs, and will have nothing to do with them. They are ruining humanity.


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