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2022 in review

by zed

Dec '22 *
listening to 'silver mt zions' 'horses in the sky' ATM new years eve 10:20 and its so ... think about what the fuck you have done...
Well I did go and see the band this year in barcelona (as godspeed and it was part of a festival so I didnt want to go, but I did, And Im glad, I was fuxken broke at the time had like 1.3 euros so bought a 90c box of wine, but fuckin cool )
always do the experience even if it leaves you near broke, memories are worth more than 30 euros of food.

anyways big year for me.

1. birth of only child (janurary)
2. ukraine war (march)
3. see godspeed (september)

next year will be even better (health issues should improve for one emoticonthats not a suicide gif btw its the thought they cant get worse)
ATM I sit 1.5 hours before new years, total wealth 30 euros (I have to start selling mt guitars next week, Im like hell Im in my 50s and this is my life, same as the 20s)
but fuck it

listen to horses in the sky

FWIW listening to the attillery fire in kyiv this year was a top 5 moment of my life (more than the birth of my child, oddly addictive)

I did think of this a while ago my top 5 moments (in my life), and yes that broke in.

Next year Im hoping to meet up with my best mate Mike(aint seen him for 25 years) meeting him in oz after 1.5 years apart was one of the best moments of my life. I remebner it so well, fuckin long story ha ha so funny esp the background, me sleeping on the street after getting arrested, getting picked up on the way to work

anyways we drunk wine looking at artwork until they threw us out...
fuckin magic, anyways I hope to meet him

daughter: It looks like its going good with her head, sweeling is going down. She is starting to say dad-da which is nice ... so bad going to hospital and hearing the children just crying and leia is always happy, god to work in a child hospital is the worse job in the world, for her to talk to me would be great

game: getting this out next week as a demo, full game halfway in the year

Tommix says:

Dec '22 *
Trying to think of something good to say. Well, the song you mention made me think of Ghost Riders in the Sky, the version by the Outlaws, which I have always been a fan of!


This wasn't as adventurous a year for me as it was for you. But, I started going out a little more, "after" the pandemic. I think it's still raging bigtime, they just don't want us to think about it anymore. I basically always wear an N95 mask, and I started going out a little. That's a big improvement in my quality of life,because I almost never went out in 2020 or 2021.

2022 was a pretty good year for horror movies, I thought. And I'm still catching up with what came out. I mostly liked Nope, and X, in some ways, although I found that it disturbed me so much that it wasn't entirely a good time for me. I guess that's the point of watching these movies, you want to get shaken up a bit.

I'm still trying to decide if I'll go out this evening. It is only 5:00 PM where I live, so we have seven hours until the New Year. I am considering just hanging out with my neighbor's dog, and helping him get through the fireworks. Dogs absolutely hate fireworks, it is kind of mean of us humans to inflict them (fireworks) on them (dogs).

Tommix says:

Dec '22
I resumed volunteering at a local library this year! I started volunteering there in about 2010, and went there... usually two shifts a week, from 2010 until early 2020, with the pandemic. I have been going there again, so that is a welcome change in my life. It doesn't pay anything, but it adds to my quality of life, just spending time there.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.