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zeds post

by zed

Jun '22 *
fuck yous (OK just testing where this ends up which forum ect) BUT FUCK IT
(fuck caps lock) OK
my beliefs are, everyone is entitled to their belief, even if its totoal BS (Its like I want so much to see evidence of UFOs, I have been facinated for 40+ years now, I want evidence, yet all I see is BS as in a few pixels, with the promise that more is coming.
Pure grifter conass BS/ The last US president was this just talked and done fuck all.
Its like now russia, a war, putin (showed his bear cheast wrestling bear) but now he starts a fight, he has disappeared (yet we have now 1000s dying on each side in his name) What a weakass cunt.
If Im gonna talk the talk, hopefully I can walk the walk. Putin.

no idea if I go, ands thats why I like me its all just off the cuff, I so much want to go, so so much , now its changed this yeay. FFS

que fas

jimb14red says:
#11, Reply to #9

Jun '22 *
I am an Independent and probably leaned a little left but under Trump before the pandemic the economy was the best I have ever seen it. My business had more business and was making more money than it ever had. My business is taking care of kids so it is a pretty good barometer of how the economy is doing since people literally need to have jobs to have their kids go to daycare. We still haven't recovered since the pandemic. Only operating at about 50% of what we used to.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.