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Nov '18 *
Welcome to the first Foreign/subtitled movie challenge which begins this coming Saturday at 00:01 local time.

To recap: Movies cannot be either in the English language or your native tongue if English isn't your first language (sorry, that's a no if you speak French and you want to watch French movies). And sure, if you are in Belgium or Canada, then British movies are still "foreign", but we are going for World Cinema here which generally refers to movies not in the English language.

Points will be awarded on running time, so the more subtitles you "suffer" through (in the case of Troma), the greater your chances of winning!

A few more points to note:

Ideally the focus should be movies, however as points are based on running time any TV series, including Anime (not dubbed of course) will be accepted.

Can be any genre.

American movies not in the English language will also be accepted e.g. The Passion of the Christ, Letters from Iwo Jima.

Dual-language movies that utilise English will count as long as at least half of the movie (roughly) is in another language.

Silent movies that utilise foreign-language intertitles are permitted.

So those feeling up to it, please pick your spot.


Tromafreak says:
#15, Reply to #14

Dec '18
I always get slow with that during October and November with all the posting of movies in 2 different threads. I just put in everything from this month. I'll take care of the rest of November later on. And I'll say stuff in this thread later, like I've been meaning to do.

markus-san says:
#16, Reply to #15

Dec '18
Nice one. Glad you watched A Tale of Two Sisters and relatively enjoyed it. Hope you manage to watch I Saw The Devil (same director, completely different horror movie) by the end of the month.

foz says:
#19, Reply to #16

Dec '18
talking of that dir, i watched A Bittersweet Life yesterday. Nice stylish violent revenge stuff, with a total badass protagonist with the survival power of John McClane, really enjoyed it.

and i second the love for ATOTS & ISTD!

markus-san says:
#20, Reply to #19

Dec '18 *
A Bittersweet Life is very good indeed, nothing to write home about plot wise but very stylish and engaging. As you say, the protagonist is a total badass (same actor who plays the protagonist, or should that be antagonist, in ISTD). He was also in the same director's The Good, The Bad, The Weird, although I wasn't so keen on that as much.. many people enjoy that one though.

foz says:

Nov '18 *
Films - 24
Total runtime - 2106

3rd Dec
Tampopo (1985) Japan 114 FTV 8/10
Sing a Song of Sex (1967) Japan 103 FTV 5

4th Dec
Zero for Conduct (1933) France 44 FTV 5
Satan's Slaves (2017) Indonesia 107 FTV 6
Cold Hell (2017) Germany/Turkey 92 FTV 7

6th Dec
Revenge (2017) France 109 FTV 7

7th Dec
Uzumaki (2000) Japan 90 7
High Lane (2009) France/Croatia 90 FTV 5

9th Dec
Macabre (2009) Indonesia 95 FTV 7

11th Dec
A Bittersweet Life (2005) Korea 120 FTV 8
Evolution (2015) French, shot in Spain 81 FTV 7

12th Dec
Mr Vampire (1985) Hong Kong/Cantonese 96 FTV 8
In China They Eat Dogs (1999) Denmark 91 FTV 8

13th Dec
Fevruary 29 (2006) Korea 90 FTV 6

14th Dec
Spoorloos/The Vanishing Holland/France 106 9
Target (2018) Indonesia 93 FTV 4

16th Dec
Frontier(s) (2007) 108 7

19th Dec
Night and Fog 1955 France 32 FTV n/a

23rd Dec
Celluloid Nightmares (1999) Japan 65 FTV 6

27th Dec
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the โ€™60s in Brussels (1994) Belgium/French 59 FTV 7

29th Dec
Intimate Lighting (1965) Czech 71 FTV 5

30th Dec
A Straightforward Boy (1929) Japan 22 FTV n/a

31st Dec
Lake Bodom (2016) Finland 90 FTV 6
Goal of the Dead (2014) French 140 FTV 5


markus-san says:
#38, Reply to #6

Dec '18 *
Celluloid Nightmares (1999)

This used to be known as Muzan-e before this rather crap title came about when it was finally released with subtitles. I would also rate it 6. Despite it's budget, it had a decent plot and a nice twist. I didn't like the very last moment when the director ends up killing her anyway because she acts like a diva and throws a tantrum - felt a bit contrived. Also it makes a rewatch quite a bit less disturbing.

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '18
Box's Spot a Hair

Ballz says:

Nov '18 *
1. Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion (1972): Japanese / 86 min

2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009): Swedish / 152 min
3. Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972): Japanese / 88 min

4. The Girl Who Played with Fire (2009): Swedish / 129 min

5. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (2009): Swedish / 147 min

6. Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable (1973): Japanese / 87 min

7. Female Prisoner Scorpion: #701's Grudge Song (1973): Japanese / 88 min

8. Terrified (2017): Spanish / 87 min

9. Police Story (1985): Cantonese / 100 min
10. Police Story 2 (1988): Cantonese / 121 min

Total: 1,085 min

The Female Prisoner Scorpion movies were decent. I'll check out the lead actress's Lady Snowblood movies sometime.

I've seen the Police Story movies before. The first one holds up great. The second one is a little disappointing in comparision when it comes to the action sequences. That's probably why I didn't remember anything about it.

foz says:
#24, Reply to #8

Dec '18
Lady Snowblood movies are bloody good fun!

markus-san says:
#25, Reply to #8

Dec '18
Haven't seen Grudge Song yet, although I own the Arrow boxset. I've read it's the weakest, but I will get around to it this month maybe. I think Beast Stable is my favourite.

The first Lady Snowblood movie is great, the 2nd.. is ok.

If you get time check out the Lone Wolf & Cub movies too (Shogun Assassin was the first two movies compiled into one and dubbed into English). Haven't seen the last two yet, as they do get a little repetitive but very enjoyable.. and bloody.

Ballz says:
#28, Reply to #25

Dec '18
Grudge Song is okay, but a big step down from the first three. My favorite is Jailhouse 41.

I'll try to find the Lone Wolf and Cub movies. They sound good. If nothing else, I can always drop a few dollars to rent the first on Amazon.

NoseOfNicko says:

Nov '18

markus-san says:
#26, Reply to #9

Dec '18
Hopeless spot more like.

BloodWank says:

Nov '18 *
Teke Teke (2009) (Japanese) (FTV) 69 mins
Pleasure Party (1975) (French) (FTV) 96 mins
The Flower of Evil (2003) (French) (FTV) 100 mins
Tokyo Tribe (2014) (Japanese) (FTV) 116 mins
Fish Story (2009) (Japanese) (FTV) 113 mins
Fearless (2006) (Chinese) 105 mins
Cop Au Vin (1985) (French) (FTV) 104 mins
Days of Being Wild (1990) (Chinese) (FTV) 90 mins
The Round Up (1965) (Hungarian) (FTV) 87 mins
The Red and the White (Hungarian) (FTV) 87 mins
Sheitan (2006) (French) (FTV) 88 mins
Calvaire (2003) (French)
The Final Master (2015) (Chinese) (FTV) 105 mins
Cleo from 5 to 7 (1951) (French) (FTV) 85 mins
Hausu (1977) (Japanese) (FTV) 88 mins
The Gleaners and I (2000) (French) (FTV) 78 mins
Killers (2014) (Indonesian) (FTV) 132 mins
Kwaidan (1965) (Japanese( (FTV) 183 mins
Headshot (2016) (Indonesian) (FTV) 118 mins
The Phantom Carriage (Swedish) (FTV) 107 mins

2036 mins

Johan_WoW says:

Nov '18 *
1. Gozu (2003) - Japanese - 130 min
2. Goksung aka The Wailing (2016) - South Korean - 156 min
3. I saw the Devil (2010) - South Korean - 140 min
4. Tetsuo (1989) - Japanese - 67 min
5. The War of the Gargantuas (1966) - Japanese - 92 min
6. Fascination (1979) - French - 80 min
7. Onibaba (1964) - Japanese - 100 min
8. The Living Dead Girl (1982) aka La Morte Vivante - French - 86 min
9. Requiem for a Vampire (1971) - French - 95 min
10. The Night of the Hunted (1980) - French - 93 min
11. The Rape of the Vampire (1968) - French - 91 min
12. Spoorloos aka The Vanishing (1988) - Dutch but mostly French spoken - 107 min
13. Schoolgirl Hitchhikers aka Jeunes Filles Impudiques (1973) - French - 74 min
14. A Virgin Among the Living Dead (1973) - French - 79 min

Total: 1411


Dec '18 *
December 1st:


1. Iris (aka In the Shadow of Iris)(2016): 5/10
(FTV, France, 99 minutes)

December 2nd:


2. Zinzana (aka Rattle the Cage)(2015): 6/10
(FTV, United Arab Emirates, 96 minutes)

December 3rd:


3. Cani arrabbiati (aka Rabid Dogs)(1974): 6/10
(FTV, Italy, 96 minutes)

December 4th:

image image

4. Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse (aka My Golden Days)(2015): 5/10
(FTV, France, 123 minutes)

5. Barash (aka Blush)(2016): 6/10
(FTV, Israel, 84 minutes)

December 6th:


6. The Handmaiden (2016): 7/10
(FTV, South Korea, 144 minutes)

December 16th:


7. La piscine (aka The Swimming Pool)(1969): 6/10
(FTV, France, 122 minutes)

December 26th:


8. Enragรฉs (aka Rabid Dogs)(2015): 6/10
(FTV, France, 94 minutes)

December 30th:


9. 100 Yen Love (2014): 6/10
(FTV, Japan, 113 minutes)

December 31st:


10. Flying Colors (2015): 3/10
(FTV, Japan, 117 minutes)

Total: 1088 minutes

Tromafreak says:

Dec '18
Some of these are really enjoyable. some would be more so if there was a little less conversation. I watched a Russian film last week called Psychosis and these people ran their dicklickers from reel to reel, giving you like a fraction of a second to catch everything. Good movie, though. That's why it was frustrating. The Meatball Machine movies, on the other hand. Plenty of time between short sentences. I can deal with that. I actually forgot I was watching subtitled films, at times. I need to find more weird Japanese shit like that.

markus-san says:
#18, Reply to #17

Dec '18 *
giving you like a fraction of a second to catch everything.

Hong Kong movies are the worst for this. They speak so fast, and the equivalent Cantonese words are seemingly "shorter" than the English that even a hardened foreign movie viewer like myself has trouble keeping up. Having said that, there are a few CAT:III movies you would probably enjoy..

I actually forgot I was watching subtitled films, at times.

Well if anything, hopefully you will come away from this thinking, the next time you come across a foreign movie you wouldn't mind watching you will just go ahead and watch it without worrying too much about it having subs. As long as it is "weird Japanese shit" of course.. emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.