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Jun '22 *
So the rules are simple as fuck. Watch as much TV as you possibly can throughout the entirety of July and get 1 point for every minute you watch of the stuff.

Can be TV shows or documentaries but we already have a doc challenge so try to stick to TV shows, eh.

Some bonus point possibilities:

If you watch an entire season of a show, in which each episode lasts over 40 minutes, you can claim 50 bonus points per episode. So if you watch a season of a show that has 10 episodes, all lasting around the hour mark, you can give yourself a whopping 500 extra points.

For shorter episodes, i.e. sitcoms or anything lasting 39 minutes or under, you will get 25 bonus points per episode. So, 250 points for a 10 episode season.

Any questions, please shout. In the shout box.

Starts this Friday 1st July at 00:00 and ends on 31st July at 23:59 hours.

Grab a spot below!

NoseOfNicko says:

Jun '22 *
1. Ghost Adventures: House Calls: S01E08: Chaos in Emmaus (2022) = 46 minutes

2. Stranger Things: S04E01: Chapter One: The Hellfire Club (2022) = 78 minutes

3. Portals to Hell: S03E13: The Enchanted Church (2022) = 42 minutes

4. Stranger Things: S04E02: Chapter Two: Vecna's Curse (2022) = 77 minutes

5. Stranger Things: S04E03: Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero (2022) = 63 minutes

6. Stranger Things: S04E04: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022) = 78 minutes

7. Stranger Things: S04E05: Chapter Five: The Nina Project (2022) = 76 minutes

8. Stranger Things: S04E06: Chapter Six: The Dive (2022) = 75 minutes

9. Stranger Things: S04E07: Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab (2022) = 98 minutes

10. Stranger Things: S04E08: Chapter Eight: Papa (2022) = 85 minutes

11. Stranger Things: S04E09: Chapter Nine: The Piggyback (2022) = 139 minutes

Stranger Things Season 4 = 9 x 50 = 450 points

12. Better Call Saul: S06E08: Point and Shoot (2022) = 50 minutes

13. GLOW: S03E10: A Very GLOW Christmas (2019) = 41 minutes

14. The Boys: S03E01: Payback (2022) = 61 minutes

15. The Boys: S03E02: The Only Man in the Sky (2022) = 60 minutes

16. The Boys: S03E03: Barbary Coast (2022) = 61 minutes

17. The Boys: S03E04: Glorious Five Year Plan (2022) = 61 minutes

18. The Boys: S03E05: The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies (2022) = 61 minutes

19. The Boys: S03E06: Herogasm (2022) = 61 minutes

20. Better Call Saul: S06E09: Fun and Games (2022) = 56 minutes

21. The Boys: S03E07: Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed (2022) = 65 minutes

22. The Boys: S03E08: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022) = 62 minutes

The Boys Season 3 = 8 x 50 = 400 points

23. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E62: Nick and England (2022) = 42 minutes

24. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E65: Kayce and Mike (2022) = 42 minutes

25. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E66: Reese and Jesica (2022) = 42 minutes

25. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E67: Kimberly and Flavour (2022) = 42 minutes

26. Better Call Saul: S06E10: Nippy (2022) = 52 minutes

27. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E61: Victoria and Anthony (2022) = 42 minutes

28. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E63: Ivy and Dante (2022) = 42 minutes

29. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E64 (2022) = 42 minutes

30. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E68: Charles and Nikki (2022) = 42 minutes

31. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E69: Rudy and Tyrell (2022) = 42 minutes

32. Mr. Robot: S01E01: eps1.0_hellofriend.mov (2015) = 62 minutes

33. Mr. Robot: S01E02: eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg (2015) = 48 minutes

34. Mr. Robot: S01E03: eps1.2_d3bug.mkv (2015) = 46 minutes

35. Mr. Robot: S01E04: eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 (2015) = 46 minutes

36. Mr. Robot: S01E05: eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv (2015) = 45 minutes

37. Mr. Robot: S01E06: eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf (2015) = 45 minutes

38. Mr. Robot: S01E07: eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv (2015) = 45 minutes

39. Mr. Robot: S01E08: eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v (2015) = 45 minutes

40. Mr. Robot: S01E09: eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt (2015) = 49 minutes

41. Mr. Robot: S01E10: eps1.9_zer0-day.avi (2015) = 54 minutes

Mr. Robot Season 1 = 10 x 50 = 500

42. Better Call Saul: S06E11: Breaking Bad (2022) = 58 minutes

43. Mr. Robot: S02E01: eps2.0_unm4sk-pt1.tc (2016) = 41 minutes

44. Mr. Robot: S02E02: eps2.0_unm4sk-pt2.tc (2016) = 42 minutes

45. Mr. Robot: S02E03: eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd (2016) = 63 minutes

46. Mr. Robot: S02E04: eps2.2_init_1.asec (2016) = 65 minutes

47. Mr. Robot: S02E05: eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc (2016) = 51 minutes

48. Mr. Robot: S02E06: eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes (2016) = 50 minutes

49. Mr. Robot: S02E07: eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme (2016) = 49 minutes

50. Mr. Robot: S02E08: eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12 (2016) = 46 minutes

51. Mr. Robot: S02E09: eps2.7_init_5.fve (2016) = 49 minutes

52. Mr. Robot: S02E10: eps2.8_h1dden-pr0cess.axx (2016) = 43 minutes

53. Mr. Robot: S02E11: eps2.9_pyth0n-pt1.p7z (2016) = 47 minutes

54. Mr. Robot: S02E12: eps2.9_pyth0n-pt2.p7z (2016) = 47 minutes

Mr. Robot Season 2 = 12 x 50 = 600

55. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E70: John and Megan (2022) = 42 minutes

56. Mr. Robot: S03E01: eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h (2017) = 53 minutes

57. Mr. Robot: S03E02: eps3.1_undo.gz (2017) = 47 minutes

58. Mr. Robot: S03E03: eps3.2_legacy.so (2017) = 49 minutes

59. Mr. Robot: S03E04: eps3.3_m3tadata.par2 (2017) = 46 minutes

60. Mr. Robot: S03E05: eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00 (2017) = 45 minutes

61. Better Call Saul: S06E12: Waterworks (2022) = 58 minutes

62. Mr. Robot: S03E06: eps3.5_kill-pr0cess.inc (2017) = 45 minutes

63. Mr. Robot: S03E07: eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk (2017) = 47 minutes

64. Mr. Robot: S03E08: eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko (2017) = 47 minutes

65. Mr. Robot: S03E09: eps3.8_stage3.torrent (2017) = 48 minutes

66. Mr. Robot: S03E10: shutdown -r (2017) = 57 minutes

Mr. Robot Season 3 = 10 x 50 = 500

67. Mr. Robot: S04E01: 401 Unauthorized (2019) = 60 minutes

68. Mr. Robot: S04E02: 402 Payment Required (2019) = 47 minutes

69. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E71: Mark and Marie (2022) = 42 minutes

70. Mr. Robot: S04E03: 403 Forbidden (2019) = 47 minutes

71. Mr. Robot: S04E04: 404 Not Found (2019) = 49 minutes

72. Mr. Robot: S04E05: 405 Method Not Allowed (2019) = 49 minutes

73. Mr. Robot: S04E06: 406 Not Acceptable (2019) = 46 minutes

74. Mr. Robot: S04E07: 407 Proxy Authentication Required (2019) = 56 minutes

75. Better Call Saul: S06E13: Saul Gone (2022) = 69 minutes

76. Mr. Robot: S04E08: 408 Request Timeout (2019) = 44 minutes

77. Mr. Robot: S04E09: 409 Conflict (2019) = 47 minutes

78. Mr. Robot: S04E10: 410 Gone (2019) = 45 minutes

79. Mr. Robot: S04E11: eXit (2019) = 52 minutes

80. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E72: Angel and Sharon (2022) = 42 minutes

81. Mr. Robot: S04E12: whoami (2019) = 44 minutes

82. Mr. Robot: S04E13: Hello, Elliot (2019) = 51 minutes

Mr. Robot Season 4 = 13 x 50 = 650

83. The Walking Dead: S11E09: No Other Way (2022) = 44 minutes

84. Porn King: The Rise & Fall of Ron Jeremy: S01E1 (2022) = 46 minutes

85. Porn King: The Rise & Fall of Ron Jeremy: S01E02 (2022) = 46 minutes

86. The Walking Dead: S11E10: New Haunts (2022) = 45 minutes

87. The Walking Dead: S11E11: Rogue Element (2022) = 54 minutes

88. The Walking Dead: S11E12: The Lucky Ones (2022) = 52 minutes

89. The Walking Dead: S11E13: Warlords (2022) = 44 minutes

90. Catfish: The TV Show: S08E00: Making Waves: 10 Years of Catfish (2022) = 42 minutes

Total points: 7903


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