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Mar '17 *
Revenge movies have been around for donkey's years (anyone know which was the very first one?), and of course it was always one of Shakespeare's favourite themes. But the new century has seen it's fair share of vengeance being served up very, very coldly.. And who doesn't enjoy seeing justice, rightly or wrongly, being dished out. In brutal fashion. Here is a list of the ten of the most brutal of retributions. And yes there will be obvious omissions no doubt, i.e. I was going to include Martyrs and A Serbian Film, which have revenge elements but they do not really drive the main narrative of the plot.

Anyhow, there shall be SPOILERS ahead..

10. Dead Man's Shoes (2004)


It's not the most graphic movie on the list but it definitely leaves a punch (literally) and it's main protagonist (and ultimately antagonist) played by Paddy Considine, is one scary nutjob.
Herbie: "What the fuck are you looking at?"
Richard: "You, ya cunt!"


9. Kill Bill: Vol.I (2003)


OK, some may not agree with the inclusion of this choice. It's certainly not as brutal as many others on this list, or even excluded.. but it certainly is bloody. And bloody good fun too. I just had to include it on this list..

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Actually appears in Vol.II: Elle Driver will need another eye patch..

8. The Horseman (2006)


A man witnesses the brutal, sexual attack of his daughter on video and sets off a path of retribution. Cue some good old-fashioned violent rampaging.. Aussie style.

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Blowtorch.. knife.. there's plenty of brutal torture to enjoy here.

7. Revenge: A Love Story (2010)


A list of this nature simply wouldn't be a list without the inclusion of a CAT:III movie. And this modern one is harsh.. very harsh indeed. OK, so it becomes a little far fetched as the reasons for our protagonist's quest for revenge become more clear but that's all the more reason for some good ole cringe-inducing violence. This is probably one of the lesser known titles from this list.. but comes recommended.

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Skin scrapping.. 'nuff said.

6. Oldboy (2003)


The list just wouldn't be complete without, probably the most acclaimed and famous revenge movie of the century thus far. And what a twist. Oh, and fuck the remake..

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Well you have some good old-fashioned dental torture, cutting out your tongue with a rusty pair of scissors, but the gang fight in a hallway scene is definitely the most "fun"..

5. I Spit On Your Grave (2010)


2010 was a good year for pay-back time, and hell hath no fury like a woman.. raped, beaten and left for dead in this remake of the 1978 shocker. This is one of those few occasions, where, honestly, it is better than the original.. although the rape scene does not last as long and is perhaps not as brutal, the act of pay-back most certainly is and there is wealth of "enjoyable" torture scenes.

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Nothing more satisfying than watching one of your attackers get his eyes pecked out by some hungry crows..

4. Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance (2002)


The most brutal of Park Chan-wook's "revenge trilogy", South Korea is probably top of the pile when it comes to dishing out revenge movies in the 21st Century. Other honourable mentions include The Chaser, A Bittersweet Life, Bedevilled, The Man From Nowhere.. but there is something about the tone of Park Chan-wook's eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye saga that leaves you reeling with discomfort. Maybe it is the absence of music or the bleak cinematography.. or the fact you just end up feeling wretched and downright sorry for everyone involved..

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Take your pick but watching Bae Doona's character wet herself after electric cables are attached to her ear lobes.. is pretty gutwrenching.

3. I Saw The Devil (2010)


Yes we are back in South Korea again for what is one of the most downright mean-spirited (and beautifully shot) movies on this list. And in terms of sheer amount of brutal, graphic violence, I Saw The Devil probably wins hands down. And this is no straight forward revenge thriller, as the line between the victim and the aggressor/protagonist and antagonist becomes somewhat blurred as the movie progresses and by the end, we're left just feeling.. well, numb.

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Another case of "take your pick" but the opening murder scene leaves the biggest impression.

2. Red, White & Blue (2010)


A horror movie with a measly, and unwarranted rating of 6.4 on IMDb (yeah. remember that site).. I guess the slow pace of the first half, which focused on the bonding of two people, was too much for some folks (Audition anyone?).. where's the horror?! Where's the gore?! Well like all good slow-burners, it is saved for the last act and it's one of those effective movies where it's what you don't see, that leaves the viewer queasy.. And what a performance from Noah Taylor as a complete psycho, pushed over the edge after losing his new "kitten" and doing what he does best... murder!

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: After the home invasion, did he kill the young girl or leave her alive? Or is peeling off someone's face from the neck up more disconcerting..

1. Irreversible (2002)


No real surprises here for what is my number one "most brutal revenge movie" of the 21st Century.. or ever probably. The disconcerting and disorientating camera-work during the opening of the movie deliberately sets the viewer up to feel nauseous, so that when we get to that infamous scene in the subway.. those of nervous disposition will just want to run to the bathroom. It is one of the very few times I can remember when I actually wanted to stop a movie during a violent scene to take a breather. It's a fantasitc movie, that rightly divides people down the middle. It also has a beautiful, uplifting ending.. or beginning.. oh yeah, shit happens.

MOST BRUTAL SCENE: Well.. there are two to choose from. And I think most of us can all agree on which is the more stomach-churning..

foz says:

Mar '17
that's a fantastic list of modern revenge movies, only one I've not seen is Revenge A Love Story which will be hunted down soon. Especially nice to see love for The Horseman n Red White & Blue, both a little underrated i reckon.

No's 10,8 & the top three would be in my top 20 21st century flicks of any genre. & possibly Oldboy too.

There's a really brutal fight scene in Eastern Promises, but it's not really rewengey enough. Confessions is great, but ultimately not that violent. Blue Ruin fits the bill & is excellent. American Mary is also fun

markus-san says:
#2, Reply to #1

Mar '17 *
You probably realised but I wasn't ranking them in terms of how much I like them or rate them but in terms of overall brutality levels. If I was ranking in order of preference than Oldboy would definitely No.1 for me.

Yeah I recall the fight scene in Eastern Promises was brutal but like you say it's not really a revenge movie. I've seen Confessions, Blue Ruin and American Mary and quite enjoyed them all. Yeah you should definitely seek out Revenge: A Love Story.

foz says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '17
yeah i get you, and have to agree with number one spot, for either improper fire safety or tunnel scene, let alone both in the same film.

Good work highlighting the 'brutal revenge' subgenre, whichever century, hopefully get a few more recs from other folks comments.

jimb14red says:

Mar '17 *
Good list. Have you seen Death Sentence? I wasn't a huge fan of it but it was pretty violent and had some brutal stuff. Also Harry Brown is pretty decent but I forget just how brutal it was. The Revenant certainly had some scenes as well.

markus-san says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar '17
I only remember Death Sentence vaguely.. but yes I do recall it being quite brutal. And yes I considered Harry Brown over the inclusion of Kill Bill but I couldn't remember enough about it to warrant it being on the list. Jodie Foster in The Brave One had some moments too.

There're probably a whole bunch more Asian films I've forgotten too.

Tromafreak says:

Mar '17
Nice write up. I'm ashamed to say I've only seen ISPYG and Kill Bill from that list. Not exactly my area of cinema expertise.

markus-san says:
#12, Reply to #6

Mar '17 *
Thanks man! I am somewhat surprised you have not seen Irrevesible. Shaz never convinced you to watch it?

Get a few watched!

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '17
Awesome list. I've seen half of those. Well, two-fifths anyway, since the Oldboy remake doesn't count. I'm sure the original is better on that one, cuz the Brolin one was kinda dry, and pointless.


Irreversible (2002) - Artsy, gimmicky, disturbing, and all around solid.
Kill Bill, Vol. I (2003) - Over-the-top and kinda goofy at times, but pretty good. I like the second one more, because they humanized her.
I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - One of the best remakes out there. Brutal.
I Saw the Devil (2010) - Bad-ass!

I'll make it a point to get some others watched for the challenge this month.

markus-san says:
#11, Reply to #7

Mar '17 *
Thanks! The original Oldboy is significantly better but that sucks you saw the remake first.

foz says:

Mar '17 *
sorry, can't resist - not brutal but Paddy/Richard is intensely intimidating

"I'm not threatening you mate, it's beyond fucking words...You're fucking there mate."


markus-san says:
#13, Reply to #8

Mar '17
Great scene. Richard is intense pretty much from start to finish.

slasherfan85 says:

Mar '17
Love this! I love revenge films. I still need to see 3 from your list Dead Man's Shoes, Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance, and Revenge: A Love Story. I actually just watched Irreversible last year. Such a brutal film. The only brutal revenge I could think of that wasn't on the list is Daddy's Little Girl. I still need to watch 7 days I know both have a similiar premise. A dad torturing their daughters killer. I just now remembered Big Bad Wolves has some brutal scenes too.

markus-san says:
#10, Reply to #9

Mar '17 *
Glad you like the list/topic!

7 Days, yes that has some brutal stuff in it. That could easily go on the list. Haven't seen Daddy's Little Girl but I've heard it's not that great..

foz says:

Mar '17
Another coupla honourable mentions:

Landmine Goes Click - had pretty low expectations going into this & was pleasantly suprised, one of the few horrors that gets better in the third act

Animal Kingdom - well written, solid preformances, maybe not quite brutal enough for this list but a great movie.

Saw mentions for Big Bad Wolves & 7 Days, those are both decent & while Daddy's Little Girl isn't quite on the same level, it is stil worth a watch for any 'revenge' fan

markus-san says:
#15, Reply to #14

Mar '17 *
I noticed Landmine Goes Click on Netflix. Might give it a watch then.

Animal Kingdom was very good, although I don't recall it being an out-and-out revenge movie. Been a while since I watched it though.

foz says:
#16, Reply to #15

Mar '17
True, revenge is just one of a few themes in Animal Kingdom, guess crime drama would be the pigeonhole if it has to go into one. But worthy of a mention as there may be some folk reading who haven't seen it yet & they really should.

Landmine begins as your typical generic annoying US tourists get into a pickle abroad, this time in remote Georgia, but things liven up a bit later on. Don't want to raise your expectations too much, as it's not that great - i went in blind assuming it'd be utter tosh, it's not quite that bad, despite the first half.

For an excellent Georgian Thriller/Horror I'd recommend Tzameti (aka 13 Tzameti). Not a revenge flick tho, getting totally off the topic, better stop now...

NoseOfNicko says:

Mar '17
Fab thread. Seen all of those movies except The Horseman and Revenge: A Love Story, but I will get to them eventually. I saw you gave Red, White & Blue 8/10, so did I. Excellent movie.


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