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Jim Wynorski

by klownz

Aug '15 *
I saw this the other day:


And the trailer/site leaded me to this:


Remember the dude who did Chopping Mall back in the day? Turns out he is churning out nuff shit... check his IMDB out... its a potential gold mine of amazingly random shit

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '15
Jim Wynorski has a wide variety of trash. He went from directing actual movies, to porn.

Chopping Mall is fun.
The Return of Swamp Thing was a childhood favorite.
Ghoulies IV is an inferior sequel to the awesome Ghoulies III.
Cheerleader Massacre is a terrible, yet entertaining "sequel" to Slumber Party Massacre III, with a lot of hot babes.

That's the extent of my Wynorski knowledge.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.