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Feb '23
Hmmm right, so I figured in honor of the holiday why not show the soft underbelly of VPIR and create a post asking your top 3 chick flicks/romance type of films. Not a fan of the genre but I have been forced/coerced at times by lady friends to watch films of the sort in the past and not only did I end up liking these films, I'm man enough to admit they made me misty in the process. Go ahead, call me super 80s ghey in the replies and list your 3...here's mine.

1) Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
2) Amelie (2001)
3) Untamed Heart (1993)

Tommix says:

Feb '23
OK, this is a tough one. So far, the best answer I can come up with it Last Night in Soho. It has a high body count, but it is clearly aimed at a female audience. I'll keep thinking and post more if I can come up with anything good. No, wait, I'll add Starman (1984), starring Karen Allen and Jeff Bridges. I must have been forced by someone to watch that, but I remember liking it.


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