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Jump Scares

Aug '19
What is your opinion on them?

The topic of jump scares is always intriguing. Some think they are hacky and some think they are entertaining. I feel like its kind of a staple of modern horror films, and at a point they almost stop being scary and start becoming predictable. With that being said, I really enjoy a lot of movies that are heavily reliant on jump scares, but the more I watch these new horror movies, the more it seems forced. Its almost as if they have some sort of jump scare quota that they have to meet. Do you guys think these jump scares add anything to movies, aside from being really loud, abrupt noises with the intent on...well...making people jump?

Bambithedeer says:

Aug '19
I personally love jump scares, but I do agree with you. I think that they are starting to feel a bit forced.
I donโ€™t mind watching horror movies that have jump scares thought bc to me I get scared from them.

Nice first post!๐Ÿ˜Š

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '19
Jump scares are a means of releasing tension in films that should focus on racking up that tension, rather. It's also a director's means of letting the audience laugh at the scare instead of laughing during other more serious scenes.

Personally, I think they're cop-outs, and jump scares are a sign that a director isn't doing a good enough job at creating a sense of dread.


Aug '19
When I first started watching horror films in the early 80's, films like Carrie (1976) and Friday the 13th (1980) had a memorable and well placed jump scare that helped make those films classics. Nowadays some horror films have nothing to offer but jump scares all through the film. It's become tiresome in my opinion...pass.

sfpx says:

Aug '19
I could answer this, but someone ever-so-poetically did it better once, so why bother

Jump scares are for pussies

- Box a Hair

Snowy_Owl says:

Aug '19
Personally I have always hated jump scares. They were always predictable for me, and never really did anything to further the film. I donโ€™t mind watching movies with jump scares, but I like the movies that use minimal to no jump scares to make them creepy and scary. But most horror movies that come out now days rely on them, and while the movies are interesting it just always feels like they could do so much better.

BloodWank says:

Aug '19
I can dig jump scares in which real danger to characters is involved, or off kilter goings on, freaky, weird, grotesque imagery. And vitally, sparing use. Jumps in Halloween or Carrie or The Exorcist 3 or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, I can dig. But their more recent applications have often left me cold. Insidious for example I found tedious and irritating for the most part, and I actually preferred the back story heavy final block. After that I've tended to avoid films made these days that get called jump scare heavy. Sometimes they're still cool. But I prefer more brooding menace and/or tension, and other ways of releasing them, if they need to be released.


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