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Oct '19
So I've died, or completely flatlined at least 4 times (It's why I have a pacemaker now). But after 15 seconds (Not that long to be dead, but still dying a few times is strange) my body did what is pretty much cpr on itself via constriction of muscles. Ever since I found this out I've changed a lot. Including a new value of what life is. This being said, does anyone else ever feel all of the overblown death in horror movies makes us devalue our own lives?

markus-san says:
#6, Reply to #4

Oct '19 *
I don't trust most scientists on climate change cause they work on government grants and if they don't go along with government agendas..

Except that that is not Trump's agenda and he is cutting the grants because he believes climate change is a hoax. So what will the scientists do now? Try to convince everyone climate change doesn't exist so funding will continue? Oh, the irony..

Personally I'd trust a scientist over a business man..

In the 80's I was told due to "global warming" where I lived, Roosevelt Island would be under water in 20 years...well it's close to 35 years and the sea level has risen about an inch.

There are parts of the world that are genuinely under threat of sea level rises; Jakarta, Shanghai, some Pacific islands for instance. That doesn't directly affect you and it doesn't matter how long it takes in your own lifetime but we need to think about future generations.

Anyone who doubts climate change can continue to live in a world of ignorance, that's fine by me. Most of them, like Trump, won't be around long enough to realise or care anyway.

markus-san says:
#9, Reply to #8

Oct '19
Ah fine, but it just sounded like you doubted it or were at least sceptical about it with your reference to Roosevelt Island not being under water yet. Probably true what you say about fracking being the leading factor in the release of methane over the farming of cows. I don't believe it is used to such a large extent here in the UK although many energy companies companies are pushing hard for it. Scotland has banned it outright but it's definitely a concern for the future.

Didn't think you were a Trump supporter.

markus-san says:
#26, Reply to #18

Oct '19 *
It is fine to have doubts but personally I will take the word of scientists over politicians yes, 100%. But of course you can carry on believing global warming is just fear mongering or a hoax because that's what your expert President says it is. It doesn't bother me as fortunately you are in the minority, a bit like Flat Earthers.

markus-san says:
#28, Reply to #27

Oct '19
I wonder what a Flat Earther calls Global warming, it it's not.. you know, a globe.

markus-san says:
#10, Reply to #7

Oct '19 *
Countries need to introduce and enforce some kind of 2 child policy. If any families want a third child, they must pay a large amount of money. China had it right. Perhaps even for a second child at some point.

Either that or some kind of euthanasia program is needed. Science fiction it may be (Logan's Run, The Island), but some kind of drastic action is needed before we wipe ourselves off the face of the planet, along with every other species in the process.. except rats, and flies.


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