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Oct '19
So I've died, or completely flatlined at least 4 times (It's why I have a pacemaker now). But after 15 seconds (Not that long to be dead, but still dying a few times is strange) my body did what is pretty much cpr on itself via constriction of muscles. Ever since I found this out I've changed a lot. Including a new value of what life is. This being said, does anyone else ever feel all of the overblown death in horror movies makes us devalue our own lives?

#4, Reply to #3

Oct '19
Right on Tommix, fracking in this country has completely fuct our water tables...but I don't trust most scientists on climate change cause they work on government grants and if they don't go along with government agendas they lose their grants AKA their jobs. In the 80's I was told due to "global warming" where I lived, Roosevelt Island would be under water in 20 years...well it's close to 35 years and the sea level has risen about an inch.

#8, Reply to #6

Oct '19 *
I don't doubt climate change but I believe it's exaggerated due to agendas. My main point was it's the fracking industry that's the main culprit. It's poisoning our fresh water tables and what you never hear, it's the leading factor in methane being released into our atmosphere not cows and the bullshit they push. Not a Trump supporter, didn't vote for him.

#27, Reply to #26

Oct '19
WTF?!...are you telling me the Earth isn't flat?


#29, Reply to #28

Oct '19
We don't use the term "Global Warming" any longer due to it no longer fits the agenda. We now use "Climate Change" and Neil Degrassi(Jr. High) Tyson is on record saying Earth is not actually a globe per se.

#25, Reply to #17

Oct '19 *
I first became aware through the documentary films Gasland and it's sequel Gasland 2 but it's been reported about virtually everywhere ever since. The reason you don't hear about it so much is it's reporting is suppressed due to the fracking industries lobbyist groups who donate huge amounts to both the Democrats and Republicans parties. It's big business. I believe the scandal involving Biden's son and the company he was on the board for is a natural gas/fracking company in Ukraine.

#34, Reply to #33

Oct '19
That may all be right and true...I've not researched the guy like you apparently have but there's no doubt when faulty drilling equipment fails and leaks methane into the ground water and eventually up to the surface, it's a problem. I've met enough people from Pennsylvania first hand that their well water is contaminated and undrinkable and their property is virtually unsellable. What are you saying exactly?...we have a methane problem screwing up the atmosphere. You with AOC's following that this problem is from cow farts and we have to all become vegetarians?!


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.