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Feb '19
So in a world of near infinite media outlets, I daily find myself struck but what people think and where they get their information from. So I have a couple of questions for the site.

First of all who knows who I'm talking about in the title?

Second, where do you get your news?

Third, how many hours a week do you listen to or think about news/current events

Fourth, how's your day going?

Ballz says:

Feb '19
I had no idea who your title referred to without looking it up. That probably says a lot about my lack of knowledge when it comes to people connected to the media.

For political news, I prefer alternative media sources, mainly YouTuber Styxhexenhammer666 https://www.youtube.com/user/Styxhexenhammer666 . He's a Trump supporter with a mix of conservative and liberal beliefs. He releases a few videos every day covering various political figures and topics. He also makes videos about things like the occult and his garden. However, even with him, I often struggle to feel much interest in what he's talking about. I agree with most of his political views, but I grow tired of hearing about that stuff. That's why I often provide no opinion when a political post is made on here.


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