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Ol' Saint WIC

Dec '15
I had an idea for a new horor movie. So there is a new nice fancy santa at the mall in the town of gutterville and he charges money to take pictures and sit on his lap. The poor people in the town get upset, so the town apoints a santa that can be seen for free for everyone who is poor. Long story short saint wic is evil and murders all of the rich children and bakes the children into cookies and dip them in milk, but the nice santa comes back and challenges saint wic. That's when saint wic summons the trapped souls of poor mexican children. fancy santa fight the mexican kids but the repolulate to quickly and it is no use. He is able to kill alot of mexican kids, but is unable to catch saint wic before he escapes, the police show up and fancy santa is arrested for the murder of the children. Turns out there was no saint wic, fancy santa was just crazy and he was the one killing and mutilating everyone



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