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Oct '18 *

Welcome to the 2018 Turkey Challenge. Here are the rules:

1) Still use IMDb ratings.

1.0 = 6 points.
1.1-1.9 = 5 points.
2.0-2.9 = 4 points.
3.0-3.9 = 3 points.
4.0-4.4 = 2 points.
4.5-4.9 = 1 point.

2) First time view = 1 point.

3) Can be any genre.

4) Trifectas. Yes. Director actors, and series. For director and actors you can bunch siblings and parent / children or grandparent / grandchildren.

5) A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


6) 2 bonus points for sex toys in movie (dildos, sex dolls, vibrators, etc). Only one 2 point bonus per movie. Handcuffs will only count if they are used as a sex toy as opposed to being used by the police.

7) Movies with 5.0 ratings or better donโ€™t count for any points.

8) Must be at least 45 minutes long for full credit. Half credit for films between 25 and 44 minutes.

9) Start - 12:01 AM on November 1.
End - You must start you last movie prior to November 30 11:59 PM.


Oct '18 *
November 1st:

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1. Death Shock (1981): 3/10
IMDb: 3.7 = 3 points + FTV + emoticon = 6 points

2. Slender Man (2018): 3/10
IMDb: 3.2 = 3 points + FTV = 4 points

November 2nd:


3. The Intruder Within (1981): 4/10
IMDb: 4.8 = 1 point + FTV = 2 points

November 4th:


4. Future World (2018): 3/10
IMDb: 3.1 = 3 points + FTV = 4 points
(James Franco 1)

Npvember 6th:


5. The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards (2017): 6/10
IMDb: 4.6 = 1 point + FTV = 2 points
(James Franco 2)

November 11th:


6. The Vault (2017): 4/10
IMDb: 4.8 = 1 point + FTV + James Franco Trifecta = 7 points
(James Franco 3)

November 26th:


7. Delusion (aka The House Where Death Lives)(1981): 5/10
IMDb: 4.3 = 2 point + FTV = 3 points

November 29th:


8. Le lac des morts vivants (aka Zombie Lake)(1981): 1/10
IMDb: 3.0 = 3 points + FTV = 4 points

Total points: 32 points


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.