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Oct '18
Please look and see what you think. Two big changes proposed are the sex toy bonus and half credit for shows or movies between 25 and 44 minutes.

1) Still use IMDb ratings.

1.0 = 6 points.
1.1-1.9 = 5 points.
2.0-2.9 = 4 points.
3.0-3.9 = 3 points.
4.0-4.4 = 2 points.
4.5-4.9 = 1 point.

2) First time view = 1 point.

3) Can be any genre.

4) Trifectas. Yes. Director actors, and series. For director and actors you can bunch siblings and parent / children or grandparent / grandchildren.

5) A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


6) 2 bonus points for sex toys in movie (dildos, sex dolls, vibrators, etc). Only one 2 point bonus per movie. Handcuffs will only count if they are used as a sex toy as opposed to being used by the police.

7) Movies with 5.0 ratings or better donโ€™t count for any points.

8) Must be at least 45 minutes long for full credit. Half credit for films between 25 and 44 minutes.

9) Start - 12:01 AM on November 1.
End - You must start you last movie prior to November 30 11:59 PM.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Nov '18
I don't know, but I miss that guy. He needs to come back so he can put us all in our place.

Box_a_Hair says:
#13, Reply to #12

Nov '18
I'd offer to reach out to him, but I figure that's probably an invasion of privacy or something. I wasn't good enough friends with him for that to be not weird, me thinks. If anyone else knows how to reach him, they ought to though. TE needs him. emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #14

Nov '18
Go ahead and give it a shot if you're up for it. That site looks super lame. Why go there when he could be spending his time in a garbage dump like this?

It will probably be a futile effort though. Some people have their minds made up and wont change them. As much as we've cut down on the political talk, if they were bothered enough to leave because of it, they'll be bothered enough to stay gone because of it. Beatnik ought to know that us folk here at TE do miss his presence though. I'll never forget the Challenge of the Apes!

Box_a_Hair says:
#18, Reply to #17

Nov '18
His departure really bugged me. He seemed like a guy who wouldn't care about this type of shit, but he clearly had a stick up his butt. Why do people have such complaints when our economy has gotten better because of that someone they happen to dislike? I'll never understand it. emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.