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Stree (2018)

Aug '18
Went to the theater today and watched a Bollywood horror movie. It is funny when they donโ€™t complete curse words in the subtitles. Shit was sh##.

The movie was based on the urban legend of Nale Ba. A female ghost comes to town at night and abducts any man that doesnโ€™t have โ€œStree, come back tomorrowโ€ written in blood on their door during a four day festival. It reminds me a little of Jewish Passover.

Overall, I found the movie interesting and enjoyable. The main characters were well developed and relatable, the urban myth used was interesting, and some parts were tense and scary. On the negative side, there was only one dance number during the movie which wasnโ€™t much fun, I would have liked for them to get a little deeper into the myth, there was no gore at all, and they added comedy in some of the suspenseful moments which took away from the tension.

Overall, the positives outweigh the negatives, and I enjoyed watching it. I consider it an above average movie. 7/10.


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