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The Hunt (2020)

Mar '20 *
Inspired by The Most Dangerous Game and the crazy political environment we have today. We have a movie where twelve โ€œDeplorablesโ€ are kidnapped by โ€œLiberal Elitesโ€ and are placed in the woods with weapons but heavily disadvantaged as many are quickly and unfairly snuffed in a gory, fun mess. Of course one of the Deplorables turned into a Rambo style badass and plenty of carnage ensues.

The movie have some good dark comedy moments. I find the political satire to fall flat though. I believe they are going for a both sides are wrong slant, but I feel like they tried to play the satire part of this film a little too safe and too far down the middle. This movie was funny with over the top gore and great action. The main character did a great job in making the audience care for the character. The plot twists were simple and easy to catch but still kept the movie interesting. Overall, I enjoyed this and will probably watch it again. It is the kind of movie that entertains people who like watching a bunch of mindless gore.

Bambithedeer says:

Mar '20
I just watched this last night with my boyfriend and I thought it was pretty decent! A lot of people have been saying this movie is just like The Most Dangerous Game. I have never heard of it, but now I'm going to try and find it somewhere so I can give it a shot.

It started off very quick. I really wasn't expecting it to be that fast paced, but with it being only an hour and a half I guess I should have expected it.

I agree with you, I overall enjoyed it too!


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