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Jan '18
And everything that comes under the umbrella of paranormal like ghosts, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects, unexplained phenomena, psychic abilities, conspiracy theories, haunted houses, demons, cryptids etc.. ?

I for one believe in all this stuff. I have a rather large collection of books from everything to U.F.Os/alien abductions to unexplained phenomena to conspiracy theories. A lot of people out there are (rightfully) sceptical, and might consider those who do believe to be weirdo's or something emoticon However, I really am fascinated by it all, and I feel there is just to many stories/reports/evidence out there for it to be all made up in my opinion.

As the tagline for The X-Files goes: "The Truth is Out There" ....

Anyone a believer?

zed says:

Jan '18
I love that sort of stuff ( paranormal and related stuff).
I don't believe in it as theres been no credible evidence in it

Obviously theres some stuff that we can say with near certainty that doesnt exist
Bigfoot, ghosts, ouija boards, dowsing etc

Heres a very nice podcast for those interested

the only stuff that is possible are some of the conspiracy stuff. UFO's are possible, though UFO's with aliens is extremely unlikely

zed says:
#35, Reply to #21

Feb '18
The likelyhood of an afterlife though is pretty great.
We're gonna exist in some great quantum computer, thats unless we manage to kill ourselves off first


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