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Aug '19
This is one of my favorite horror movies.. and one hell of a tale..

I remember reading John Keel's book of the same name that was based on the events, in a couple of hours one evening a couple of years back. For thirteen months Point Pleasant was plagued by a dark terror that culminated in a major disaster. Unearthly noises and ghostly lights in the sky gave way to mutilated animals, winged monsters, strange people, weird flying machines and of course, the Mothman. It was a real page turner.

Any other people heard about the story that inspired the film, or lives close to that area?

Ballz says:

Aug '19
I've heard about the story, but never watched the movie or read the book. I know there are a few theories about what the Mothman is. Large bird, alien, supernatural. The movie sounds like something I should save for October.

Gymnopedie says:
#3, Reply to #1

Aug '19
The perfect movie for Halloween, imo. It is one that makes you think, regardless of whether you believe or not.


Aug '19
I'm in Maryland, but never made my way over to Point Pleasant.

Remember seeing the movie. Didn't like it much. Kind of blends in with the other horror flicks of the time... But I love urban legends. Just checked Wikipedia and this one was bigger than I remembered it being. They have Mothman statues in the town. Weird.

Gymnopedie says:
#4, Reply to #2

Aug '19
The case fascinates me. I would love to visit Point Pleasant one day. It is on my bucket list, for sure. I believe they do a Mothman Festival yearly. This year it falls Sat, Sep 21, 2019 – Sun, Sep 22, 2019.

Yakko says:

Aug '19
I thought the movie was pretty good. One of the better ones from a time when horror movies in general had really become a very unfunny joke (and still are).

I read a lot about the Mothman and am sure it was all a fabrication to make the town famous and increase tourism, just like so many other cryptids or supernatural events (Jersey Devil, Amityville, Bunnyman, Travis Walton adduction, etc.) I don't believe it anymore than I believe Russia interfered in the last election or that Charlie Rose, Jerry Sandusky and so many others are guilty of anything. No real evidence, no crime as far as I'm concerned.


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