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Sep '21
Aside from the obvious ones (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, network, theater).
I currently use the streaming services Hulu, Peacock and Tubi, Youtube.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '21
I use Tubi and Roku a fair amount because they're free. IMDb TV is okay sometimes, but it tends to stream in super low-def on my tv.

I currently have access to Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime. DVDs have taken the backseat because I'd rather stream something I already own because it's more likely to be high-def.

While convenient, I'm not terribly attached to HBO or Prime. Prime used to be good, but the selection has gone to shit. Max is also mostly DC or blockbuster type of movies I don't care for.

When it comes to trash, I prefer Tubi.

Tromafreak says:

Sep '21
I rarely watch anything on physical media these days. Mostly Youtube. You can find some pretty interesting stuff on there if you dig deep enough. Besides that, Tubi, which is sometimes even better. I really shouldn't still be paying for Amazon Prime as much as I watch the other 2 in comparison, but I find some pretty good stuff on there too sometimes. I certainly get my momey's worth out of that more than I did Netflix the last year I had it.

Ballz says:

Sep '21
I mainly use Amazon and Tubi. Sometimes I use Shudder, but I'm not currently signed up. I also still download torrents. It's less convenient than streaming though.

jimb14red says:

Sep '21
I watch just about all of the streaming services Netflix, Prime, Hulu, Tubi, HBO Max, Disney Plus, etc. I have been back huge into physical media lately though. I buy tons of stuff from boutique outlets like Vinegar Syndrome, Severin, and Mondo Macabro.


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