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Jan '23
So I finally got around to watching the Sci-fi channel show From. I'm currently 8 episodes in with 2 more to go in season 1. I'm finding that the mystery of what's happening really draws me in. In a nutshell, and this is established very early in the show, people arrive at a town and find that they are unable to leave. To make matters worse, as soon as darkness falls the monsters come out. The show likes to drop little bits of information for you every so often which only serves to deepen the mystery. There are also character flashbacks that give further story and hints. I've seen opinions that it's reminiscent of the show Lost, with people asking if From is the new Lost. Incidentally both shows star Harold Perrineau, although this is pure coincidence. I can certainly see what they mean though by drawing parallels between the two shows. I've definitely become hooked on wanting to know what is going on, but unlike Lost I hope we are actually going to get some answers! Haha


Jan '23 *
Hmm...how do I go about this? Firstly, let me say I remember you from the HB and I've seen you lurking here(btw I prefer your old profile pic of Cartman only cause like him not only do I know I'm a douche, I'm proud of it) and participating in challenges. It's nice to see you making a post and trying to stimulate some conversation here and I encourage you to do so more often in the future. Unfortunately I haven't seen this show but I certainly hope it's not the new Lost. I remember an ex-gf making me watch the 1st season of Lost with her and me saying to her this is obviously some sort of purgatory. Lucky for me we broke up shortly after and I wasn't forced to endure any more of that shite. Online chatter ensued and JJ Abrams ensured the fans this wasn't the case...only it ended up being exactly the case from what I heard. Abrams is a hack of the highest order proving it by destroying IPs like Star Trek and Star Wars...so I certainly hope this series you seem to enjoy and have put the time into is not the "new Lost."

markus-san says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jan '23
Perhaps they like Lost emoticon.

Deferenz says:
#4, Reply to #1

Jan '23
I still have the Cartman profile pic on my iMBD account, although since they savagely killed the message boards it's now only me who see's it. I was on the HB for many years, joined in 2002, and so I'm familiar with all you guys. I joined this TE site in 2017 as I think I found out the October challenge was going to happen so I wanted to be part of that. I do like the challenges here, they're good fun and makes you feel part of something.

zed says:

Jan '23 *
I never saw the show. (and from what I heard about the cocktease plot Im glad I didnt), I watched a film like this recently, everyone hated the ending how nothing was explained ... though I thought it was OK, How It Ends (2018)

But surely a follow up to lost would be called 'Found' or is that too obvious?

Hopefully its an improvement, sometimes it happens.
Case in point I watched this film recently
'Dont Fuck in the Woods (2016)' which basically is all about people fucking in the woods & it was bloody dire, I wanted to rate it 1/10 but some parts were OK, so 2/10.

Anyways afterwards for some strange reason (glutton for punishment) I watched the film 'Don't fuck in the woods 2' & was surprised it actually is good for a no budget indie 6/10. Mainly cause 80% of the film wasnt footage of ppl fucking in the woods ... Well I suppose you could complain about a deceptive title.
Actually I think the improvement from 1 -> 2 was the biggest I've ever seen in a film series

Last 30 mins had some good atmosphere


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.