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Jun '17
This definitely threw me for a loop and wasn't at all what I was expecting.

Between this and "Get Out" from a few months earlier, I'd wager good, mainstream horror with a wide-release is still (somewhat) alive. The preview for Annabelle 2 might play against that theory, though (and I liked Annabelle.)

Anyway, it's a mood piece. There's a virus that's destroyed humanity but instead of witnessing what's happening in the world and exactly how devastating it is, we follow one family's plight. Holed up in the woods, the father has the difficult decision of letting another surviving family stay with his. Uneasiness and paranoia begin to set in.

It's definitely the type of movie that makes you wonder what's going to happen next. When the closing credits appeared, a collective "that's it?!" roared through the audience, the likes of which I haven't heard since seeing The Blair Witch Project.

The score was good too. Kind of reminded me of a more subtle Tangerine Dream.

Good movie. Different. Refreshing. Tense and well-made.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jun '17
A regular at my theater was telling me he thought it was great. I'm thinking of going to the movies today, and that's one of the options. However, I'll probably just end up watching that damn Tom Cruise fight a mummy instead, though I'll keep an eye out for this one.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jun '17
Well I gotta see one of them today, and it's either "It Comes at Night", "The Mummy", or "Wonder Woman". emoticon

Hell, maybe I'll shoot for a double feature. As iffy as I am about the Mummy, those bastards at Universal got me interested in their cinematic universe, so I'll have to see it eventually.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jun '17
Saw it in the theaters today, and I liked it overall. It's one of those movies that makes you feel horrible by the time it's over. Bleak, to say the least. Subtle too. A few unnecessary jump scares, but a positive direction for cinematic horror, fo' shizzle.


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