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Apr 2019
I love this movie it's weird and so 70s and freaky and it's basically like every 80s slasher you've ever seen only not because it was made in 76/77 so it had more in common with grindhouse and exploitation movies no it isn't very gory or violent but the atmosphere is there in spades it's cruel and dark and gritty and weird and low budget there's just something about this flick i watched it again the other night I've seen it roughly 7 or 8 times now it gets better with every viewing I appreciate how ahead of its time it is I first saw it under the title of class reunion massacre on VHS yes I prefer that title but ah well you can't have everything in life ya know life is a bitch sometimes and yes i realize im writing one big ass run on sentence but fuck it man this is trash epics not english class anyway back to the Redeemer have you seen it if not get on it cuz it rules hard.


Apr 2019
I actually think it's more like your atypical '80s slasher. Kind of an anti-Halloween. Halloween being ultimately grounded in reality, or at least an exaggerated form of reality, which is the slasher standard, while Class Reunion Massacre pulls in all kinds of weird elements of surrealism, which work on both an intentional and unintentional level. I see it as kind of a precursor to bonkers '80s shit like Horror House on Highway Five. Like a weird free-for-all of ideas and tones, with little care for consistency. That's why I liked about it anyway.



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