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How do you dress?

by sfpx

Apr '17
Me, very simple and casual. T-shirts and shorts. I like shirts that are earthy in color and have skulls on them. Shorts are usually cargos. Love camo shorts especially. I buy clothes from Wal-Mart, Target and Ross. I can't bare to spend more than $10 on a shirt. My shoes are a mix of Nike sneakers, Chuck Taylors and some Vans. Around the house I'm always in a shirt that I've cut the sleeves off of and basket ball shorts. I guess I kind of dress like a teenager, but I love maximum comfort at all times; I cannot stand feeling restricted. Only in the coldest of temperatures will I ever even think of putting jeans on. Oh yeah, I also like to wear baseball caps a lot.

What about YOU?

OnyxHades says:

Apr '17
Lots of black and pink. I hate dresses, and prefer yoga pants over jeans. I tend to buy LOTS of clothing with skulls. I collect skulls.

sfpx says:
#3, Reply to #1

Apr '17
Cool - I love skulls. Have a few skull tattoos including one of my more recent ones....the Misfits logo, on my arm.

foz says:

Apr '17
to the left, usually.

Znep27 says:

Apr '17
T-shirt, usually black, and jeans, or jeans that I have cut into shorts after the knees wore out.

Tromafreak says:

Apr '17
Pretty simple. T-shirt and sweat pants at home, T-shirt and cargo pants in public. I put off the shorts as long as possible, cuz I think they look stupid, but I usually cave in around May when it gets unbearably hot.

Ballz says:

Apr '17
I also tend to dress simple and casual. T-shirts, usually black featuring something related to horror or a shirt from places I've visited (those tend to be non-black), and shorts. Gym shorts around the house, cargo shorts if I have to go somewhere.

My shoes are New Balance. Have to wear a specific kind, as in I've been buying the same pair for years, because I have flat feet and most shoes give me blisters. Sometimes go with flip flops if I'm too lazy to bother with socks/shoes.

I too don't wear pants unless it's freezing out, but I can't stand jeans. Go with cargo pants instead. If I need a jacket, I go with a hoodie. I shave my head frequently, so having the hood part is nice if it's both cold and windy. I usually have to choose between either a t-shirt with pants or a hoodie with shorts, because if have a hoodie with pants, I get too hot.

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr '17
I wear t-shirts and shorts ALL the time. If it's cold, throw on an extra shirt or two. I used to wear a lot of black shirts, but I try to wear brighter clothing now. They just never make any cool t-shirts in colors other than BLACK! emoticon

Camo/cargo shorts, boxers, ankle socks, dark skate shoes (even though I don't skate anymore). I'm like you, and need that comfort and freedom. Can't do the splits if you're in jeans, and that wont motivate you to do anything physical if you're worried about ripping your pants.


Apr '17
Thousand Island. I prefer creamy over tangy.


Apr '17
95% off the time it is a black horror/band tee and jeans and chucks. I am 41. So I looks like an old guy that likes horror movies that no one ever heard or a band no one ever heard of and it looks like I never grew up yet. ....which is true.

damn_cyborg says:

Apr '17
I keep it simple and casual as well, jeans, t-shirts, and sometimes shorts (if it's too hot). I also own a pair of Nikes and a couple pairs of Chuck Taylors. I also wear a lot of flannel shirts during the winter time because they're comfortable and keep me warm.


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