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Christmas Horror

by sfpx

Dec 2018
Hey, it's Christmastime everyone - there needs to be a Christmas themed horror movie thread here at Trash Epics, right? RIGHT???

So this is it here. Post whatever you want about Christmas horror movies.

With Christmas being my favorite holiday, and horror being my favorite movie genre, it would only make sense that, when the two merge together, it has the potential to cure CANCER. No, I'm kidding. Just thought it'd be funny to say "CANCER" in a holiday-themed thread.

I love this time of year, I really do, and get all gushy over lights and decorations and yes, even the dreaded Christmas music. Call me a masochist, but I love that shit. And then there's the food. Oh boy. The food.

But back to movies. I watched Christmas Evil aka You Better Watch Out (I like this title better) the other night. I really enjoyed it, probably even moreso than the one time I saw it however many years ago. The movie isn't your traditional slasher flick, despite the fact that it's sometimes lumped in as one, and I think that's what I admired so much about it this time. If viewed as a twisted black comedy it seriously rocks. Brandon Maggart, the main dude who wants so badly to be Santa Claus and just make kids happy, is great in the role. I never knew this until recently, but he's Fiona Apple's dad, which I found interesting, for no particular reason really.

Anyway, I liked the film a lot, enough to possibly start including it in my yearly watches 'round this time of year, next to unbeatable classics like Black Christmas and Silent Night, Deadly Night.

So...post anything you want about Christmas horror films, recommendations, traditions you have with your own personal movie viewings, etc. Whatever.

Johan_WoW says:

Dec 2018
With you nominating Silent Night, Deadly Night for the draft this is a good opportunity to finally watch it. Yes it's shameful I haven't yet seen it. I like Christmas period for the same reasons as you do.
As for movies no i'm not a particular fan of Christmas movies. I wasn't that crazy about Black Christmas but than again I'm not that big on slashers. Gremlins is fun but not one I would pop in every christmas. It's actually a long time since I have seen it.
Usually TV comes up with the Home alone movies. They were fun once we got to the kid vs the bandits parts with the traps etc.
Santa Claus: The Movie (1985) I really loved as a kid. It's not one that kept up well rewatching it as an adult though.
So no I don't really have a christmas movie watching tradition.
But I'll get to Silent Night, Deadly Night and also Krampus (2015) since that one was nominated for the other draft.

Johan_WoW says:
#23, Reply to #21

Dec 2018
On Znep's thread I already mentioned which else I'll watch from your list. At least they do sound fun on paper :)

Last House on Dead End Street
Near Dark
Beyond the Darkness
I Drink your Blood
The Redeemer

It's just Combat Shock I'll skip I don't think that will interest me. Oh I see it's a Troma movie lol.

Johan_WoW says:
#25, Reply to #24

Dec 2018
Not sure why I should have seen Near Dark. I see it's directed by a woman, now that is interesting for sure. I always find it curious to see how much different the approach is going to be with a female director. The Revenge surely was different from the usual revenge flick with the guy here being more sexualized. Humanoids from the Deep was also directed by a woman but that surely doesn't show with all the not so subtle female nudity. But it is said those scenes were filmed by a guy. It wouldn't surprise me if that were true.

Johan_WoW says:
#31, Reply to #24

Dec 2018
Well I already told you I liked Silent Night, Deadly Night. i'm not sure it can get better. Are the sequels recommendable you think? I have also watched The Redeemer which had some cool kills and I liked how the killer got those metamorphoses. It seems to have some kind of Damien the Omen reference with that kid. Well they could have left out that religious crap. It's passable and pretty short but I proly forget about it quickly.
Seen also Beyond the Darkness. Well typical d'Amato shlock I guess with a few pretty sick and gory scenes, nice ladies with hot naked bods even though most are already dead by that moment. The story didn't do that much for me though which was mostly due to the pretty wooden protagonist who seems to go through the motions. Most interesting was the creepy housekeeper who stole every scene she was in. I really rooted for her to kill of the protagonist. At least she hurt him where it hurt him most his balls and eyes



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