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Nov '18
Bit overrated, no?

Been seeing this 'un pimped out for a good 10 years now all the way back to that ancient place they call "imdb." Well, I finally caught up with it....

Pretty good, but not the masterpiece I expected and genuinely much funnier than I anticipated as well. I get that this was based on a true story or whatever (is it really?) and it's intended to be "realistic" and stuff, but did the killer have to be so pathetic? Jesus Christ he's lucky he stumbled into the house he did and not one occupied by, well, anyone else. Fucker woulda got his ass handed to him. In fact, the elderly woman actually put up a good fight.

I like that they made him SO damn crazy that he lost all rationale and was sloppy, made many mistakes and had these wildly exaggerated ideas about how his continuing murder spree would go. Anyone with even the slightest bit of sanity left would've realized he'd get caught immediately after leaving the house.

I dunno. I liked the film. The direction was amazing, music good. It definitely didn't feel like your average horror film from the early 80s, and I appreciated that it was a bit off the beaten path. I think I just felt things sorta dragged a bit when he was in the house and had so much trouble killing its occupants.

I remember peeptoad and maybe sepsism (I think) being big fans. Would love to see them vouch for it a bit.

Whatcha all think? 'Lost' classic or victim of the overhype machine?

sfpx says:
#3, Reply to #1

Nov '18
I noticed that, in regards to the voice over stuff, that some information was repeated. Like, we learned quite a bit about the guy in the beginning voice over ie., him cutting the head off a swan. Then, later in the film when he's giving us his thoughts, he repeats things we were already told.

I found that odd and a blatant mistake that could've been easily fixed.

sfpx says:
#4, Reply to #2

Nov '18
Yeah, Maniac and Henry are far superior. Possibly even Man Bites Dog as well, but it's been 10+ yrs since I've seen that one.

sfpx says:
#7, Reply to #6

Nov '18
The reason, to me, that I felt it was "lost" (at least at some point) is because prior to, like, 10 years ago I never saw this movie ever ever mentioned anywhere...ever. It started making the rounds on torrents like Cinemageddon where I actually seeded a copy, but it was without subs and didn't watch it. I realize that it's had a blu-ray release for a little bit now, but in my mind, it's a movie that fell through the cracks for a couple decade until just recently. I've never been aware of a VHS release of it either, at least here in America.

To me it's overrated because for the people who regularly pimped it out on the old boards, they spoke of it like it was the holy grail of horror films. I enjoyed it, it just didn't knock my socks off like I hoped, I guess.

The reason I criticize the film for having the killer take so long to off his victims is because I felt it brought the pacing down substantially. Him having trouble alone isn't a problem for me, no. Long stretches where he can't handle an old woman and my mind is beginning to wander and even burst out at one point, "fucking KILL her already!" Kinda tedious, imo. When he finally left the house and was driving I got excited....like, "yeah, let's see where this goes next!" only to be reminded that this was, sadly, the end.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.