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Sep '18
I know, what a specific topic. Figured it'd be a good way to get people talking more and getting a better glimpse into what we're all really like.

Good thing: Gave away like 75% of my wardrobe to Goodwill last week. Just felt like someone may have needed it more than me. I've only got around 5 t-shirts left in my closet now, but whatever. I pretty much wear the same clothes over and over again anyway.

Shitty thing: My girlfriend and I have been fighting a lot lately and I said some awful things yesterday. I think I'm a pretty nice guy, but when you push my buttons I get vicious. I need to work on that. Feeling guilty today.

Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #9

Sep '18
Not me. I never hurt nobody. Nothing bad to admit to. Come to think of it, I can't think of anything good I've done lately either. I guess I just kinda exist like Yakko. But an existence with less hate and more pot smoke.


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