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Sep '18
I know, what a specific topic. Figured it'd be a good way to get people talking more and getting a better glimpse into what we're all really like.

Good thing: Gave away like 75% of my wardrobe to Goodwill last week. Just felt like someone may have needed it more than me. I've only got around 5 t-shirts left in my closet now, but whatever. I pretty much wear the same clothes over and over again anyway.

Shitty thing: My girlfriend and I have been fighting a lot lately and I said some awful things yesterday. I think I'm a pretty nice guy, but when you push my buttons I get vicious. I need to work on that. Feeling guilty today.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '18
This is a great topic idea, but I can't give a good reply. I'm just drunk, and I want to respond with something, but it's a little difficult to think about how good and/or shitty of a person you are. For example, I don't consciously do bad things, but then again, I don't consciously do good things.

I try to operate on the basis of maintaining myself, and yet I shamefully admit that I don't do a good job in trying to trying to promote a positive atmosphere. I never try to do good things for other people, and it upsets me. I wish I could be a better person, but I am just myself. A regular dick. I do what it takes to keep myself alive at the bare minimum, and it's been getting to me lately.

Still, I'd like to hear what others have to say about this sort of thing. Do you actively try to help out others, or do you just want to help yourself? Let us know.


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