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Feb 2018
tis the week of love, apparently, and what better way to welcome the spirit of romance than an Adam Sandler movie. well, many, admittedly, but wait, whatever you think of the self repeating manchild of movies there's no denying Happy Gilmore is a feel good fambly classic. and to a (much) lesser extent he repeats the role effectively enough in Waterboy, Billy Mads & Big Daddy.

Anyway, besides the point, i'm not here to defend Sandler or to highlight his best performance (Punch Drunk Love of coure, a man so full of rage but without the usual comedic outlet, suffocating in his own desire to be undertood by someone, anyone... well maybe not Phil Seymour Hoffman....) but to fuck around with some directors i like who happen to have similar names, but varied canons. So without further ado, or much, let's Freddy Adoo it

Paul Thomas Anderson vs Paul WS Anderson vs Thomas Anders Jensen

...was alright, but throw in a coupla !! for dramatic effect and we away. ok...

image PTA is a seriws director, real hollywood movies and everything, he Boogie with Marky Mark and fight with his buddy Adam, all this before there was Blood and fame. Cults, Vice and odd Danny Dress you follows with a nice nod to Fiona Apple along the way. She's awesome. Paul Thomas, regardless of what you make of his direction style, does get the most out of his actors, and usually results in a compelling film whatever the content.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e8gfGhVL3qs/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLBLBUaFzHosXpMNKuZEbGvz8rA3zw PaWSAh, as nobody calls him, is a more b movie expoiltatscifiyiy type director. Like Rob he married his Sheri and made about 8 movies with her in it. fine. He also made that really gloomy lit Predator movie set in an Alien pyramid or something. and some Death Races, good on ya, no harm in action schlock.

Anders Thomas Jensen is a Danish writer director i love, and prob subconsciously the real reason for this nonsense name post. It may be unfair to compare with Coens, McDonaghs or even Anderson(the Wes not Paul, Was (not Was)), but this guy has knack for finding the bleakest blackest comedy in the most severe or testing of circumstances. Often surreal, violent, offensive, charming and just plain ridiculous ATJ's films are...well, worth investigating. I would highly rec Adams Apples 2005 & The Green Butchers 2003






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