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Feb 2018
Tony Pitts is a captivating screen presence, his large physical frame and thick Sheffield accent make him a memorable performer and he happens to be in two fantastic British crime thrillers. So a flimsy excuse to promote an actor i like with a tenous link to this months challenge.

Hyena (2014)

Director Gerad Johnson's follow up to his 2009 low budget serial killer flick Tony follows a corrupt London detective Michael (great performance by Peter Ferdinando) as he tries to control the balance of power between rivals gangs and the law. Reminiscent of Bad Lieutenant in that we are with a man disintergrating into self destruction every step of the way, Hyena is a brutally violent, uncomprimising look into the London crime underground.

Where's Tony?

Mr Pitts plays one of Michael's police crew, a violent intimidating brute who will do anything to look after number one. He also sports some awesome tatoos.


The Red Riding Trilogy (2009)

Three made for TV movies in three seperate years (1974, 1980 & 1984) set against the backdrop of various murders including The Yorkshire Ripper, we follow an ensemble cast of characters through a bleak and violent world of multi-layered police corruption and organised crime. It's pretty grim, but compelling viewing.

Where's Tony?

TP plays John Nolan in the latter two installments, and once again he's a ruthless corrupt bobby, this time with the scary power and influence of a Detective Chief Superintendent. Ooof, don't cross him...

(I don't know how to make thread appear in multiple movies here, so i put this under Hyena, but Red Ridingis just as good, maybe better.)





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