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Sep '22
In this period-piece psychodrama, Mia Goth plays Pearl, an overworked farmgirl who dreams of being famous. Her mom is a strict bitch and her dad is a vegetable, so she's desperate to get away from the lifestyle. Who wouldn't be? Set in the backdrop of WW1, everyone is worried about the pandemic and catching the sickness, so there's a bit of social commentary on masks. Being related to the movie 'X', the plot also includes some film/porn stuff to tie that whole theme together. Plus an alligator.

To explain any further would do it injustice. Other than it being a prequel, I had no idea what I was getting into, so go in blindly and enjoy the experience and mystery of what the hell this movie may be about. Enjoy it for the novelty of an early 1900s-set horror flick. The era and setting have parallels to Wizard of Oz, and Pearl struck me as reminiscent of the Wicked Witch... of the south?

Mia churns out a good performance, and seems to have had a fair behind-the-scenes role as a co-writer/producer. It makes me happy to see Ti West spitting out some entertaining horror flicks. I've liked him ever since House of the Devil. He's influenced by the classics and is artsy, but not fartsy. It may already be part of a franchise, but it could stand on its own. I do, however, wish to give 'X' another go now that I've gotten to know this character more.

If "MaXXXine" is indeed the part 3 of the series, I have no idea what the hell that one will be about.

markus-san says:

Oct '22
Finally got around to watching this. I would say it's a bit more than a "good" performance. In fact it's one of the best performances in a horror movie I've ever seen. I don't normally give a shit about Academy Awards but if this isn't deserving of a nomination then I don't know what. The 9-minute monologue she gives before dispatching her sister-in-law was incredidble and appeared to be done in one take. As for the movie, I thought it was superior to X and is probably the best horror of the year for me, thus far.


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