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Sep '22
The experiment itself causes a vortex. A hole in the sky of sorts that sucks in air and acts as a bridge between the two times, 1943 and 1984. The visual of that hole in the sky sucking in the clouds and air around it is something that always intrigued me. Imagine how frightening it would be to see something like that in real life...

For a sci-fi theory, I always wondered about that hole. Was the 1984 hole sucking in air, only to send the air back to 1943? If so, would 1943 have more air in its atmosphere? And if so-so, would that extra air justify that the 1984 present doesn't have less air even after losing that air to the past, on account of all the extra air 1943 got from this very event? Does the amount of air stay exactly the same?

Tromafreak says:

Sep '22
I've never seen this.


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