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Jun '22
2 episodes into season 4 and it's pretty good so far. I also noticed how long these episodes are. Basically feature length, yet people still binge this show in a day? It's gonna take me longer than that.

I still believe the best approach is to release a season 1-episode at a time rather than in bulk, because it helps with the hype. Netflix's approach does help with the spoilers. It can be out for a single day, and news headlines will spoil it the very next day. Fortunately, I haven't had anything spoiled for me yet, because I'm not in love with this series like some people are, but I do enjoy it.

Anybody else watching this 1986 Freddy Krueger 'memberberry smut?!

Ballz says:

Jun '22
I'm 3 episodes in. I like it, but so far not as much as season 3. Somehow I failed to make the Freddy connection until now. I'll use the excuse that I'm not in love with those movies, or this series.

Supposedly the last, yet to be released "episode" of the season will be 2 and a half hours. emoticon

markus-san says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '22 *
The Freddy connection becomes more apparent in episode 4. Well there is a certain "guest" actor for a start..

Ballz says:
#5, Reply to #2

Jun '22
Yeah, I likely would've figured it out then. I watched the episode not long after commenting here.

markus-san says:

Jun '22 *
I totally understand your point in regards to them releasing episodes in bulk. I'm on episode 6 and I've tried to avoid spoilers, especially the trailer for volume 2 of course but it's hard especially in regards to which characters are still alive.

The length of the episodes hasn't really bothered me as they're consistently entertaining and don't feel as long as they do. Not like some episodes of TWD which are half as long but feel twice as long..

On a side note, it took me a while to realise but the actress who plays Max appears in Fear Street part 2 and the actress who plays Robin is the first victim in the first part and is also Uma Thurman's daughter. She's a spitting image and I guess if Tarantino ever makes Kill Bill Vol.3...

Oh and episode 4 is definitely peak.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jun '22
I forgot about Maya being in Fear Street, but I totally remember Max being in there. I guess it's safe to assume those who made FS are fans of ST. As for being the daughter of Uma, Maya is also (obviously) the daughter of Ethan Hawke too. Usually, I think he's okay, but the world is trying to give Ethan credit for being a "good" villain in Moon Knight, but that entire show feels so fucking pointless, including his character. God, what a shitty show that was...

markus-san says:
#6, Reply to #4

Jun '22 *
You're making me curious to watch it to see how bad it is but I suspect I won't find it as bad as you did, probably just mediocre. I'll get around to it but it's certainly not a priority, much like watching Eternals is not one despite it being the only MCU movie I haven't seen yet. Oh and Doctor Strange 2 but I'll definitely watch that when it comes out on Disney+ in a couple of weeks though.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Jun '22
I can't believe Strange 2 is coming to Disney+ this month. It's so fast, I thought they would milk the theatrical run a bit more. But Moon Knight didn't focus on ANY of the right stuff, and it seems like they put more emphasis on Egyptian culture than the comics were ever about. It strikes me as a show in which the writers didn't really have a story for, much like the first Suicide Squad, in which the premise is a paradox. The show is a real asshole.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.