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Jun '22
I gave this movie a fitting description in the database. Now, if that plot summary doesn't make you jump out of your seats in excitement to see such an intense sounding film, then I'll sway you with something else: There are in fact hotdog hands in this movie, and people do fellate them. There's also a dildo fight scene and some butt stuff, but surprisingly no nudity. James Hong and Indy's lost partner Shortround are in this, and the whole premise is about stopping a giant bagel with everything on it. There's also a subplot about rocks with googly eyes on them. The End.


Jun '22
Funny enough I'm seeing a lot of people saying they loved this film, some saying it's their favorite film of 2022 thus far.

markus-san says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '22 *
Pretty sure there's probably a bit more to it than Box is giving it credit for. Hope to watch it very soon.


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