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Feb '22
I don't understand football. You can explain it to me, but I still wont get it, because I simply don't care about any sports. Never have, never will. But the super bowl has never been about football to me. It's always been about the commercials, and this year, it's more about the trailers for me.

Moon Knight's tv spot is meh. They don't show much new footage and I'm not a fan of his costume. It bears more resemblance to a mummy than it does the comic's aesthetic.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness... is anybody interested in this movie for Doctor Strange's story? Or are we all just waiting for the cameos? X-Men, anyone? Of course, this trailer wont show any of those cameos, so until then... meh.

Nope. Jordan Peele's latest horror flick. Kinda vague, but kind of intriguing. I just may go see this movie in theaters if I don't hear about any racial subtext or stupid political commentaries. Keep that shit away from me and I'll be game.

Then we had Schwarzenegger as Zeus advertising electric cars, Doctor Evil advertising... more cars... and Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart advertising lighters. Really? Do people really need to be reminded to buy lighters? At least there are weed jokes. I think it's pretty funny that they're a team.

There's supposed to be a jumbo DC movie trailer too. We'll find out soon enough...


Feb '22
The one for Chevrolet with Meadow driving thru the Sopranos intro was ok. Jim Carrey resuming his role as The Cable Guy was decent too.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb '22
I forgot about that Sopranos intro, so that was kind of trippy for me. It's also kind of funny that this company is being endorsed by a gritty crime family. Good ol' Sopranos...

And I've actually never seen The Cable Guy. Is this a problem?

#3, Reply to #2

Feb '22
I'm not a big Jim Carrey fan but it's probably his best role along with Ace Ventura. It's hilarious but very dark which is why I probably prefer it to Ace Ventura.

Znep27 says:
#4, Reply to #2

Feb '22
I think the Cable Guy is easily Jim Carrey's best and funniest movie. Dark comedies don't tend to go over with lame-os, which is why it got so much flack.

markus-san says:

Feb '22
I don't understand football. You can explain it to me

Two teams, eleven players (including a "goalkeeper"). They have to kick the ball into the opponent's net. Then a goal is given. Whoever has the most goals after 90 minutes wins the game. If they have equal amount or no goals are scored, then it's a draw. Simples.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #5

Feb '22
Let me rephrase that... AMERICAN football. You know, the one where people barely use their foot?

markus-san says:
#8, Reply to #6

Feb '22 *
Ah, then I haven't got a clue but from what I can tell, a player from one team runs holding the ball, then uses his foot to boot it upfield whilst everyone else batters the hell out of each other to try to get hold of it before crossing a line to plonk the ball on the ground, with their hands. Kind of like rugby but with armour.

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Feb '22
You forgot the part where they dance a jig when they score. There's a lot of technicalities involved in that part.


Tromafreak says:

Feb '22
Football and commercials boring.

Johan_WoW says:

Feb '22
I'm not sure if I saw it a in a movie but when a bunch of football or was it baseball supporters were not allowed to drink beer their conclusion was that the sport was boring without getting drunk. I think that sums up perfectly why the majority of the people outside the US don't care, don't get or just look down on typical American sports like American football. Most think calling it football is silly since you don't really go around kicking the ball that much. I believe gridiron is the correct definition but hardly anyone calls it that and that's why football as known by the rest of the world is called soccer in the US. Also American football clearly stems from the British sport known as Rugby. I see markus already explained it clearly :)

Baseball and it's variant softball also stems from a British sport (cricket). Neither of these can compete worldwide with more global sports like soccer, athletics, tennis, cycling and basketball. NBA is actually very popular outside the US too. I must say the NBA Jam videogames on snes and Sega genesis 2 vs 2 I really enjoyed.

But is your topic now about commercials or trailers? I know they are kind of similar as both promote a product so that people will buy it (or in case of a trailer people will go to theater to see it).

Box_a_Hair says:
#11, Reply to #10

Feb '22
As per the thread title, commercials. I agree that football is stupid, but at this point, the U.S. wont bother changing it to accomodate a unified definition. Just like we'll never use the metric system.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.